
Steve Chan

Dip. Ac., BSc(Hons), BCM, BHSc., M.Sc., M.D.
Phone: 604-599-3224
Voicemail: 3224

Dr. Chan received his Bachelor Degree in Health Science from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia and the Bachelor Degree in Chinese Medicine from the Hong Kong Baptist University. He further obtained his Doctoral Degree (M.D.) in Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine from the Southern Medical University, China. He has special interests in musculoskeletal pain/stroke and the TCM internal medicine treatments/helping cancer patients.

He also pays visits to patients in elderly care centers and hospitals. He has participated in many community health volunteering activities in B.C., Hong Kong and the remote villages in mainland China and Cambodia. He has given many TCM health talks to the public. Dr. Chan teaches the Musculoskeletal Management, Western Medicine and TCM Diagnoses, Tuina (Chinese Massage), Pathology, Pharmacology and Clinic Practicum courses in KPU. He also taught herbology courses in other TCM schools.

Dr. Chan enjoys life time learning, he has earned two engineering degrees and three medical degrees. He is a registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncturist.