
Balbir Gurm

B.Sc.N., M.A., Ed.D.
Phone: 604-599-2267
Voicemail: 2267

Dr. Balbir Gurm , Fellow Canadian Nurses Academy, is best known for using her academic privilege to improve communities. She is an award-winning leader, nursing faculty, and consultant with 30+ years of experience who has provided leadership on multiple community boards.

Prior to joining Kwantlen Polytechnic University, she worked as staff RN, CNE and coordinator at Vancouver hospitals. Some career highlights are: founding Editor-in-Chief Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal; founder/facilitator, Network to Eliminate Violence (NEVR); member, Intimate Partner Violence Death Review Panel; co-lead, project to document history of South Asians in Canada and an open access e-book bringing together critical understandings of relationship violence

Some of Balbir’s many honours include: Teaching Excellence Awards (CRNBC & NISODS), BC Achievement Community award, Two YWCA Women of Distinction Awards, Canadian Cancer Society’s Leadership Award and Soroptimist’s Ruby award. She is frequently sought by media to comment on local issues and by organizations to discuss cultural safety. She serves as a role model for colleagues, students and community activists. As founding member and facilitator for the Network to Eliminate Violence (NEVR) she continues to work with a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary team (education, justice, health, service providers) to create resources and facilitate workshops to create a violence free society. She advocates for system change to governments and works with media to bring academic knowledge to the community. Along with cross-sectoral multidisciplinary colleagues, she led a project to bring together critical understandings of relationship violence. This free living ebook Making Sense of a Global Pandemic: Relationship Violence & Working Together Towards a Violence Free Society. is available at.

Dr. Gurm is known for excellence in education and leadership and as someone who uses her privilege to improve society.