Nikki (Satwant)

Nikki (Satwant) Purewal

BScN (KPU), M.Ad.Ed (UBC)
Phone: 604-599-2643
Voicemail: 2643

Nikki has been working within KPU since 2009 in the BSN, BPN and GNIE programs. Nikki received her BSN from Kwantlen in 2004. She began her career in nursing in pediatric at BCCH and then moved to community. Nikki’s Masters was completed at the University of BC in Adult Education in 2008. She worked at BCCH and in community nursing for more than 10 years. She is a member of the CNA’s Community Health Nursing group. During her experience at BCCH and in Public Health Nursing, she was involved in various patient and student teaching. She worked with various age groups doing health promotion and prevention teaching.  Nikki, currently serves on FoH Nominations and GNIE Admissions Committee.