Including All Citizens Pathway (IACP) is the first fully inclusive for credit post-secondary program to include students with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities on par with their peers. It is a student-centred learning environment where everyone is included and valued on equal basis.

IACP does not adapt or modify courses it is all about transforming teaching using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles making each course fully accessible and inclusive.

IACP students are working towards their Faculty of Arts Certificate which includes ten academic courses, 30 credits that are fully transferable.

Example courses include Sociology, Creative Writing, English, Policy Studies.

Students applying through the IACP admissions category will be assessed as to their ability to be successful and may be considered on an individual basis through a holistic assessment of:

•    educational background
•    life experience
•    academic goals
•    personal achievements

An applicant pursuing the Including All Citizens Pathway (IACP) who is 18 years of age or older, may be admitted as an IACP student.

How to apply:

    Fill out the IACP Expression of Interest form

    Provide two letters of support

    Wait to be contacted


Please send your IACP Expression of Interest form and letters of support to: