City of Burnaby Official Community Plan
Topic | Sub-topic | Policy or Policy Excerpt | Document Location |
Language Rating |
development and productive use of agricultural land; | continuing to preserve lands within the Agricultural Land Reserve for agricultural and limited other permitted uses; | 9.3 | ||
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; | provision of a planned and supported land use framework to provide for the long term coexistence of agricultural uses with other adjacent land uses, with specific mitigative measures as required; |
9.3 | ||
food production; economic development; |
agricultural industry services; | supporting and encouraging the expansion of actual agricultural production and related services in the area; | 9.3 | |
farm diversification; urban gardens/orchard; |
encouraging expansion and diversification of agriculture and related activities such as the opening of new areas to agricultural production and the continued City involvement in the Allotment Gardens Program; | 9.3 | ||
development and productive use of agricultural land; | roads in agricultural land; | ensuring that the location and construction of new roads and utility or communication corridors will have a minimal impact on farm holdings and operating activities; | 9.3 | |
development and productive use of agricultural land; |
ALR subdivision; ALR; |
encouraging the retention of larger land holdings, discouraging the creation of any further smaller parcels, and encouraging the consolidation of smaller parcels into larger units of agricultural land; | 9.3 | |
water management; | irrigation and drainage; | helping to facilitate the improvement of agricultural infrastructure (e.g., irrigation, drainage, and diking works), and service and marketing activities that support the agricultural sector; | 9.3 | |
development and productive use of agricultural land; |
ALR exclusion; ALR; |
in conjunction with the Agricultural Land Commission, defining and maintaining Agricultural Land Reserve boundaries that are realistic and defensible in the longer term. | 9.3 |
City of Burnaby
Document Type:
Official Community Plan
Level of Government:
Policy URL:…
Policy File:
Metro Vancouver
British Columbia
Supplementary Information:
Population Range: