Urban agriculture is not a new concept, however some of the capacity to understand how food production can fit into modern cities has been lost. It is also recognized that local governments have a significant role to play in supporting urban food production through planning, implementation and operational phases. The Langley Urban Agriculture Demonstration Project is a planning and design collaboration led by ISFS which that aims to bring urban agriculture to 10 ha. BC Hydro transmission right of way (ROW) in the City of Langley. Funded by Metro Vancouver through the Sustainability Innovation Fund, and aims to field test an approach that can be replicated in other municipalities across the region. This one year detailed project planning phase was proposed as a part of the Langley-MSA Demonstration Site proposal from 2010.
The detailed planning phase of the project was completed in early 2018. Site plans and project reports were presented to City of Langley Staff and Council. Council voted to not proceed with the next steps of the project at this time, which would include developing a business case for the project, securing funding for implementation, and reaching out to possible community partners.