Sustainable Food Systems Research Team


Principle Investigators

Research Associates

Affiliated Researchers

  • The Arctic Institute of Community Based Research (ISH Yukon Food Systems Design and Planning Project, Major Partner)
  • Dr. Sean Smuckler, Assistant Professor, UBC-LFS (ISH Bioregional Project, Ecology Domain Researcher)
  • Dr. Lenore Newman , Faculty Member, UFV Department of Geography (ISH Bioregional Project, Food Security Domain Researcher)
  • Dr. Denver Nixon, Post-Doctoral Fellow, UFV Department of Geography (ISH Bioregional Project, GIS Specialist)
  • Dr. Meidad Kissenger, Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (ISH Bioregional Project, Ecological Footprint Domain Researcher)
  • Dr. Karen Taylor, Senior Relationship Manager, Farm Credit Canada (ISH Bioregional Project, Economics Domain Researcher)
  • Dr. Wendy Mendes, Adjunct Professor, UBC-SCARP (ISH Bioregional Project, Policy and Planning Domain Researcher)