Week 3: Start Preparing

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Welcome to week 3! By now, you have been introduced to your courses and instructors, and have even attended a few complete lessons. Now, we need to start preparing for what's coming up next in terms of assignments and exams.

Remember to ask your instructor for clarification if you have any doubts about your assignment. Also, see a tutor for content-specific help. If you have an essay or writing assignment coming up, make sure to see a writing tutor or submit your draft for review online. A tutor can let you know what you have already done well, as well as point out some ways you can improve your draft. Book a tutor and submit a paper online here: tlc.kpu.ca.

Also, make sure to see a learning strategist to gain some very helpful study tips and learning strategies. Learning strategists are experts on learning, so they can give you helpful tools to make your learning process more organized and effective. You can book a learning strategist by going to tlc.kpu.ca – selecting “meet with a tutor” – and searching “learning strategies.”


For this week, focus on:

  • Analyzing your assignment: what is being asked of you?  
  • Developing effective study strategies

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Get started on your assignment Visit the virtual writing centre  Body paragraphs  Study strategy checklist

Essay writing: prepare an outline Avoid plagiarism Make effective flashcards Study smarter

Analyze your assignment  How to read an academic journal article  Avoid procrastination Register for a free workshop