Tutor Program Development Workshop (TPDW)

Tutor Program Development Workshops (TPDW)
*currently on hiatus*

Are you wondering how to develop your knowledge and skills to be a tutor trainer?

If so, you may be interested in joining the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Tutor Training Team for our Tutor Program Development Workshop (TPDW). The program is delivered fully online, with a blend of asynchronous and synchronous learning activities.

Synchronous (real-time) sessions will take place on four occasions for 3 hours each.  Participants are asked to join for all synchronous sessions.

The purpose of this program is to provide the foundational theory and skill development needed to conduct effective Tutor Training. The workshop is conducted using the materials developed at KPU for their in house tutor training. All materials meet the standards set by CRLA and NTA and are intended to support the Canadian Tutoring Standard as accredited through LSAC.  The KPU program has been accredited by the Educational Developer's Caucus.

The activities of the KPU Tutor Training Program form the nucleus of the Tutor Training Development Workshop as participants refine their facilitation strategies and practices.  We will focus on processes for leading tutors through the core objectives of each of the three levels of the training program. Through discussion and other forms of peer learning, participants will be able to leave the workshop with an implementation plan suited to their own contexts.

Training Team

Senior members of the KPU Tutor Training Team will serve as your trainers for this workshop. 

The registration fee is $350 for this professional development opportunity.

In the sessions you will be provided with three levels of tutor training material and a variety of interactive sessions to practice ways in which this curriculum and training material can be delivered. 

Ways to evaluate and measure progress are also included, along with trainer training manuals that you can use to continue to develop your own tutor training programs.
