Tutor Training and Development Materials

KPU Peer Tutor Training Materials located at KPU (2019)

"Level One Peer Tutor Fundamentals and Integration Workbook"

"Level Two Peer Tutor Fundamentals and Integration Workbook"

"Level Three Peer Tutor Fundamentals and Integration Workbook"

Rubrics for Tutor Journals and Portfolios

"KPU Peer Tutor Observation Rubric"

"KPU Peer Tutor Excellence Inventory"

"KPU Peer Tutor Journal Rubric"

"KPU Peer Tutor Portfolio Rubric"

Process Logs, Self-Evaluation, and Performance appraisal materials

"KPU Peer Tutor Process Logs"

"KPU Peer Tutor Self-Evaluations"

"KPU Peer Tutor Feedback and Performance Appraisals"

Faculty Mentor Handbook

"KPU Peer Tutor Mentor Handbook"

Trainer Materials available on All Faculty Scholarship in KORA

"KPU Peer Tutor Trainer Handbook Level One"

"KPU Peer Tutor Trainer Handbook Level Two"

"KPU Peer Tutor Trainer Handbook Level Three"

All materials are intended to be used by faculty with coaching and mentoring to ensure appropriate application to the Peer Tutoring environment.