David Harvey



  • Currently the Principal of Solutions That Work consulting in HR and LR.
  • Chief HR Officer in both management and union settings.
  • Over 25 years experience in HR with extensive labour relations and organizational development background.
  • Presentations at multiple HR and LR conferences.



  • Bachelor Commerce (Organizational Behaviour & Industrial Relations) – UBC 1980
  • Master of Education – SFU 1998
  • CHRP – British Columbia Human Resources Management Association


HRM Background

  • Prior appointments from 1981 to date include holding the senior HR office in a college (BCIT) and in health care in addition to HR positions in the forest industry and the provincial government; and two years in private consulting practice.
  • Executive Director of the Association of Administrative and Professional Staff (AAPS) at UBC from 2005 to 2008. AAPS is the exclusive bargaining agent responsible for negotiating a collective agreement and resolving grievances for 2600 management and professional staff at the University.
  • Leadership of OD projects including: organizational merger, safety programs review, land/facilities development & utilization, customer service improvement, technology implementation and transportation management.
  • Negotiating experience includes: collective agreements, leases, service contracts and public/private partnership contracts.
  • Contract administration background encompasses the resolution of hundreds of grievances and experience presenting cases to arbitration, the Labour Relations Board, the Employment Standards Review Board and other 3rd party panels.
  • A previous member of the Board of BC HRMA (1999 – 2001), volunteer activities include:
    - Chair of HRMA’s Strategic Planning Task Force 1997-98, Annual Conference:

    - Chairing the Program in 2005 and 2007
    - Chairing the Marketing Committee for conference 2006
    - Chair of Conference Committee 2008 and 2009.

    - Member, Program Committee, World HR Conference, Montreal 2010