Bachelor of Technology


40 Courses, 120 Credits

Our Bachelor of Technology Degree offers different concentrations of study to suit YOUR preference. In year 3 students may choose to continue with the General B.Tech Degree, OR, focus on a specialization of:

Network Administration and Security (NAS) Specialization
Mobile and Web Application Development (MWAD) Specialization

Year 1 - (for all study options) must take All of:
- INFO 1111 Introduction to Computer Hardware and Software
- INFO 1112 Principles of Program Structure and Design
- INFO 1113 System Analysis and Design
- INFO 1211 Operating System Principles and Applications
- INFO 1212 Networking Technologies I
- INFO 1213 Web Application Development
- INFO 1214 Discrete Mathematics for Information Technology
- PHIL 1150 Basic Logic
- CMNS 1140 Introduction to Professional Communications
- BUQU 1230 Business Statistics

Year 2 - (for all study options) must take All of:
- INFO 2311 Networking Technologies II
- INFO 2312 Database Management Systems
- INFO 2313 Object Oriented Programming
- INFO 2411 Foundations of Computer Security
- INFO 2412 Management Information Systems
- INFO 2413 System Development Project
- ENGL 1100 Writing, Reading and Thinking: An Introduction
- BUSI 1110 Fundamentals of Business in Canada
- CPSC 2302 Data Structures and Program Organization
- BUQU 1130 Business Mathematics 

General, years 3 & 4:
Year 3 - (for General) must take a combination of 10 of:
4 of:
- INFO 3110 Professional Communications in Information Technology
- INFO 3150 Object Oriented Software Engineering
- INFO 3210 Distributed Systems 
- INFO 3250 Content Management and Information Architecture
- INFO 3280 Information Technology Project Management
2 of:
- PHIL 3033 Business Ethics, or, LBED 4210 Ethics and Social Issues
- (1) approved Business Liberal Education elective
4 of:
- Any (4) additional 3xxx courses from within the specialization course offerings 
(see NAS or MWAD yr 3 courses)

Year 4 - (for General) must take a combination of 10 of:
3 of:
- INFO 4190 Integration Project I
- INFO 4290 Integration Project  II
- INFO 4310 Entrepreneurial Development in Information Technology
2 of:
- (2) approved business liberal education electives 
5 of:
- Any (5) 4xxx courses from within the specialization course offerings 
(see NAS or MWAD yr 4 courses)

Network Administration and Security (NAS)

Specialization, years 3 & 4:

Year 3 - (NAS specialization) must take a combination of 10 of:
4 of:
- INFO 3110 Professional Communications in Information Technology
- INFO 3150 Object Oriented Software engineering
- INFO 3210 Distributed systems
- INFO 3250 Content Management and Information Architecture
- INFO 3280 Information Technology Project Management
2 of:
- PHIL 3033 Business Ethics, or, LBED 4210 Ethics and Social Issues
- (1) approved Business Liberal Education elective
4 of:
- INFO 3160 Network Operating Systems
- INFO 3170 Security of Enterprise Networks
- INFO 3180 Wireless Networks
- INFO 3240 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
- INFO 3241 Identity Management
- INFO 3290 Networking Technologies III (Server Farm/Virtualization)

Year 4 - (NAS specialization) must take a combination of 10 of:
3 of:
- INFO 4190 Integration Project I
- INFO 4290 Integration Project  II
- INFO 4310 Entrepreneurial Development in Information Technology
2 of:
- (2) approved business liberal education electives
5 of:
- INFO 4110 Cloud Computing
- INFO 4120 Digital Forensics
- INFO 4330 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 
- INFO 4370 Security of Wireless Networks
- INFO 4380 Wireless Sensor Networks
- INFO 4250 Special Topics in Network Administration and Security (e.g. Data Centers)

Mobile and Web Application Development (MWAD) Specialization, years 3 & 4:

Year 3 - (MWAD specialization) must take a combination of 10 of:
4 of:
- INFO 3110 Professional Communications in Information Technology
- INFO 3150 Object Oriented Software engineering
- INFO 3210 Distributed systems
- INFO 3250 Content Management and Information Architecture
- INFO 3280 Information Technology Project Management
2 of:
- PHIL 3033 Business Ethics, or, LBED 4210 Ethics and Social Issues
- (1) approved Business Liberal Education elective
4 of:
- INFO 3135 Advanced Web Application Development
- INFO 3225 Web Multimedia
- INFO 3235 Software Quality Assurance
- INFO 3245 Mobile Programming I
- INFO 3246 Mobile Programming II

Year 4 - (MWAD specialization) must take a combination of 10 of:
3 of:
- INFO 4190 Integration Project I
- INFO 4290 Integration Project  II
- INFO 4310 Entrepreneurial Development in Information Technology
2 of:
- (2) approved business liberal education electives
5 of:
- INFO 4115 Website Design
- INFO 4210 Human Factors and Computer Interface Design
- INFO 4125 Website Security
- INFO 4225 Animations
- INFO 4235 Special Topics in Web/Mobile Application Development
(e.g. Facebook Social Media Application Development