
Don Reddick

Don Reddick

I am presently a faculty member and Chair of the KPU Economics Department.  My university education comes exclusively from Simon Fraser University [BA (Hons.) Economics – 1984, MA Economics – 1988]. My economics “field” interests include industrial organization [transaction cost economics], law and economics, and recently, economic development.

I find economics fascinating - it makes so much sense out of our world. Economists essentially exist to satisfy people's curiosity - I can't believe I actually get paid to do so.   My love for economic ideas led me to host the KPU's Economics Café between 2010 and 2015.  The Café was a popular speaker series introducing university audiences to the power of economic thinking.

Access to postsecondary education is an important element in a successful life journey.  Some members of society are not as advantaged as others when it comes to access opportunity.  Since 2011 I have worked with others to document and overcome postsecondary access barriers faced by government-assisted refugees living in the South Fraser region.

Continuous improvement in the quality of postsecondary education is another matter on my heart.  I serve on the Melville School of Business Faculty Council Standing Committee on Education Quality, and assist faculty within the School in the area of learning outcome assessment.

I am happily married, have three grown children, and four grandkids.  I love the mountains, a meal by a fire, and discussions regarding the “big” questions of life [i.e. “What is our purpose, how can we find meaning?”].