Sigrid Ewender

I have been with the Faculty of Economics at KPU since 1996. My education includes a B.A. degree with a major in economics from the University of Guelph (1990), and a Master’s degree in economics from UBC (1992). Fields within the discipline of economics that I am interested in are Economics of Development, Applied Microeconomics and Monetary History. My areas of teaching include first year Micro- and Macroeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics, and Money and Banking.
Prior to my post-secondary education, I worked in the banking sector. Working in this industry has sparked my interest in money, banking, and ultimately, in economics. The beauty of economics, I believe, is how it explains human behavior and what guides our decisions, or why we do what we do. It also explains a lot of what we see in the world around us. Upon graduating from UBC, I worked as a research assistant at the Martin Luther University in the former Eastern part of Germany during the transition time from a socialist to a more market based economy. To me, it was eye opening to experience such a historic moment and learn about how different economic systems shape a society and its way of life.
I have a grown daughter, my hobbies include hiking, reading, and I find great enjoyment in gardening and the art of baking.