Kwantlen Speaker Presentation: "Ghettoizing Palestine, Massacring Gaza"

Sun, Jan 25, 2009



For immediate release

January 26, 2009

Attn: Editors / Reporters / Photographers

We thought the following event would make for an interesting news article.

Special Media Invitation: Kwantlen Speaker Presentation: "Ghettoizing Palestine, Massacring Gaza"

Israeli anthropologist Dr. Jeff Halper will speak on “Ghettoizing Palestine, Massacring Gaza." Dr. Halper is the co-ordinator of the Israeli Committee against House Demolitions (ICAHD). He works extensively for peace and justice, and in 2006, was nominated for the Nobel peace prize. He was part of the Free Gaza flotilla that recently “broke the siege” by taking supplies to Gaza. He was granted honorary Palestinian citizenship. Dr. Halper's most recent book is An Israeli in Palestine.

Wed, Jan 28, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Kwantlen Surrey Campus, 12666-72 Avenue, Surrey
Building D - Room D128


For more information about the speaker, contact:
Valerie Zink
Tel: 604-220-0451  


For more information about the presentation at Kwantlen, contact:
Bill Burgess
Faculty, Geography Department
Tel: 604-599-2658  


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Peter Chevrier
Director, Marketing &Communications
Tel: 604-599-2286