Kwantlen coordinator recognized for steering students towards life success

Wed, Apr 22, 2009


Kwantlen career choices and life success program coordinator Elly Morgan
received a gold award for her outstanding contribution to education in the community.


For immediate release

April 23, 2009

Kwantlen coordinator recognized for steering students towards life success

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Elly Morgan, Kwantlen Polytechnic University career choices and life success (CCLS) program coordinator and long time Langley resident, received a gold award in education at the Celebrating Women and the Spirit of the Cranes awards ceremony. Organized by the Burns Bog Conservation Society and Port Metro Vancouver, the awards honoured women for their contribution to the community. Morgan was awarded for her outstanding work in education and tireless dedication to her students.

“I without a doubt feel humbled and honoured to be nominated and to win an award,” said Morgan. “I was nominated by CCLS alumni for the award and this gesture is even more precious to me."

As a CCLS program coordinator at Kwantlen, Morgan guides her students to finding direction in life and their careers. She teaches them communication, conflict management and problem-solving skills to succeed in the workplace, and builds their self-esteem and confidence to achieve personal and career goals. Morgan’s work has made a profound impact on the lives of many CCLS graduates, who have in turn expressed their gratitude and appreciation by nominating her for the award.

Previously named Woman of Vision by Langley’s Women of Excellence in 2007, Morgan has had several community-wide acknowledgements for her commitment in education in recent years; she hopes the awards will bring recognition to Kwantlen's CCLS program and students.

“Winning these awards brings attention to the program as people begin to understand the enormous work and courage it takes to transition successfully. This program is not for the faint-hearted, rather for those who are willing to risk to get more out of life,” remarked Morgan.

Kwantlen’s CCLS program is for the mature woman who wants to assess or reassess her life and career goals. The program provides the skills, knowledge and self assurance to choose a career and life direction with confidence and the choices are supported by vocational and personal assessments, information research and work placements to ensure informed decisions. For more information on Kwantlen’s CCLS program, visit:


For more information about Elly Morgan, contact:
Elly Morgan
Coordinator, Career Choices and Life Success
Tel: 604.599.3431


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Peter Chevrier
Director, Marketing and Communications
Tel: 604.599.2286