Local gardening society leaves legacy for Kwantlen horticulture students

Mon, May 18, 2009
(Pictured left to right) Allan Gauthier, North Shore Gardens Contest Society treasurer presents $10,000 to Kwantlen Polytechnic University associate dean of horticulture, David Davidson.

For immediate release

May 19, 2009

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) The North Shore Gardens Contest Society has created an endowment for Kwantlen Polytechnic University horticulture students with a demonstrated interest in civic beautification. After 22-years, the society decided to discontinue the organization, however, before doing so its members wanted to leave a horticultural legacy by donating $10,000 for Kwantlen scholarships.

"Since Expo '86 we have noticed a huge increase in interest in commercial and residential gardening," said Dirk Oostindie. "And we believe that our garden contests and annual tours played a crucial role. By leaving a legacy to Kwantlen's horticulture program, we are hoping that Metro Vancouver communities will continue to derive the benefit from our society for years to come."

The $10,000 donation will be matched by the Kwantlen Foundation for a total investment of $20,000. The North Shore Gardens Contest Society Legacy Scholarship will be awarded annually to a student who has completed 45-credits of Kwantlen’s Landscape Design and Installation program.

Kwantlen Foundation was established in 2000 and raises funds to create quality, life-long learning opportunities for Kwantlen students to achieve personal, social and career success. For more information or to make a donation, visit www.kwantlen.ca/foundation or call 604.599.2010.


About the North Shore Gardens Contest Society:
The North Shore Gardens Contest Society was started in 1986 as an EXPO '86 project by Dirk Oostindie, the North Vancouver District Parks Superintendent with a small volunteer group of among others Diana Belhouse and Gordon Ramsdale. This was the first residential and commercial garden contest in Metro Vancouver. In 1996, the group incorporated to become the North Shore Gardens Contest Society. The purpose of the society was to educate the public about the pleasures of gardening and acknowledge the efforts of those whose gardens added to the beauty of the North Shore community. The society met monthly to plan three annual events: the contest, the tour and the awards night. After 22 years, the members voted to discontinue the contests and tours and rest on their laurels. The members of the society have happy memories of “making a difference,” and the North Shore is more beautiful because of their efforts.

For more information about this story, contact:
Jeff Norris
Executive Director
Kwantlen Foundation
Tel: 604.599.2264


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Peter Chevrier
Director, Marketing and Communications
Tel: 604.599.2286