Kwantlen honours access program alum with Distinguished Alumni Award

Thu, Jun 25, 2009


Michaela Robinson, Access Program for People with Disabilities alum and Surrey
resident received the Distinguished Alumni Award from Kwantlen Polytechnic University.


For immediate release

June 26, 2009

Kwantlen honours access program alum with Distinguished Alumni Award

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Michaela Robinson, Access Program for People with Disabilities (APPD) alum and Surrey resident received the Distinguished Alumni Award from Kwantlen Polytechnic University.

Robinson’s spirit and charm have touched countless lives. She graduated from Kwantlen in 2007 from APPD and was nominated and selected for the 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award for her significant and outstanding service to the community.

As a volunteer, Robinson has dedicated countless hours to a variety of organizations, including the Special Olympics, Heart and Stroke Foundation, ALS Society, Canadian Cancer Society, Semiahmoo House, Surrey Food Bank and the Police Torch Run.

Her commitment to community service has not gone unnoticed. She has been recognized for her achievements with numerous awards, including the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, the B.C. Exceptional Children’s Yes I Can Award and the International Exceptional Children’s Yes I Can Award.

In addition, Robinson is an experienced public speaker and has given presentations at numerous venues to promote inclusion and raise awareness of disability issues. Robinson’s tireless volunteer efforts, commitment to success and positive outlook epitomize the values that Kwantlen promotes in its graduates as fully contributing community citizens. Her advice to new graduates is to “have confidence in themselves” as they can achieve anything that they set their minds to.

Initiated in 2007 in honour of Kwantlen’s 25th Anniversary, Kwantlen’s Distinguished Alumni Awards program recognizes Kwantlen alumni who have enhanced the reputation of the university through their outstanding career, public service, community service, athletic, arts and culture or academic achievements.

For more information about Kwantlen’s Access Program for People with Disabilities, visit:

Kwantlen Polytechnic University brings with it a tradition of providing access pathways for students with different talents and abilities, and opportunities for all who are willing to work hard to realize their goals. Key to Kwantlen’s new mandate is an enhanced capacity to integrate research and external community engagement within a learning environment that places students at the centre of all that the university does.

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For more information about this story, contact:
Christiane Hodson
Manager, Advancement
Tel: 604.599.3137  


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Peter Chevrier
Director, Marketing and Communications
Tel: 604.599.2286