
Thu, Jun 4, 2009



Victoria Davis, a legal administrative studies graduate, received the Lieutenant Governor’s Medal
at Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s 2009 Convocation ceremony held at its Surrey Campus.
Pictured from left to right: Arthur Coren, Dean of the Faculty of Business; Victoria Davis,
award recipient; and Judith McGillivray, Provost and Vice-President Academic.

For immediate release

June 5, 2009

Kwantlen honours Delta graduate with Lieutenant Governor’s Medal

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Victoria Davis, a legal administrative studies graduate and Delta resident, has received the Lieutenant Governor’s Medal at Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s 2009 Convocation ceremony held at its Surrey Campus.

Davis’ university experience at Kwantlen not only opened up new career opportunities for her, it also inspired her children to strive for excellence.

A mother of two, Davis came to Kwantlen a year ago to pursue an education to prepare her for a career in legal services. During her time at Kwantlen, she excelled in her studies, instilled a positive influence in the classroom and impressed her faculty with her work ethic.

In addition to being a full-time student, she maintained her commitment to her children as well as volunteer work in the community. She is currently a parent volunteer for the local sports teams in Delta and has volunteered for the Canadian Red Cross and the SPCA in the past. Now, she is proud to graduate from Kwantlen with a 4.23 GPA and receive the Lieutenant Governor’s Medal.

“My university experience this past year has been exceptionally rewarding. I am most confident now that I am able to carry out my commitment to my children, myself and continue to contribute to the community,” said Davis. In the future, Davis plans to further her education to become a paralegal and eventually attend law school.

On behalf of the Lieutenant Governor of B.C., a medal is awarded to a graduate studying a substantial vocational or career program of fewer than two years in duration. The student has not only excelled in studies, but contributed in a positive way to the life of Kwantlen or the community; and may have a faculty recommendation.

For more information about Kwantlen’s School of Business, visit:

Kwantlen Polytechnic University brings with it a tradition of providing access pathways for students with different talents and abilities, and opportunities for all who are willing to work hard to realize their goals. Key to Kwantlen’s new mandate is an enhanced capacity to integrate research and external community engagement within a learning environment that places students at the centre of all that the university does.

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For more information about this story, contact:
Teresa McLeod
Scholarships & Awards Coordinator, Student Awards and Financial Assistance
Tel: 604.599.2278


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Peter Chevrier
Director, Marketing and Communications
Tel: 604.599.2286