(Pictured right to left) Langley MP Mark Warawa presents David Atkinson, Kwantlen
Polytechnic University president, and Scott Nicoll, Kwantlen Board of Governors chair,
with $872,500 of funding towards student services enhancements at Kwantlen's Langley Campus.
For immediate release
August 26, 2009
Kwantlen receives $872,500 to enhance student services in Langley
(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s Langley Campus will receive $872,500 of federal funding to enhance student services through the Government’s Knowledge Infrastructure Program, announced Langley MP Mark Warawa.
“This Government of Canada investment will provide a significant short-term economic stimulus to Langley and will create jobs in this region,” said Warawa as he presented a cheque to Kwantlen President David Atkinson. “Our Government is investing in innovation to create jobs, to help our economy recover quickly and to improve the quality of life for Canadians.”
“Kwantlen Polytechnic University has been granted $872,500 from the federal government towards renovations to student services, as well as upgrading lighting and DDC controls to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions,” announced Warawa.
This project is also part of an overall $14-billion capital infrastructure program supported by the Province to create jobs and vital public infrastructure in every region of B.C. In addition to the federal funding, Kwantlen will receive matched provincial funding --- a total of $1.7-million for its student services renovations.
"These funds will substantially assist Kwantlen in developing its Langley campus, which is, of course, a priority for the institution," said David Atkinson, Kwantlen president.
The renovated and expanded Langley Campus student affairs wing will enhance Kwantlen’s student services by providing support to program initiatives in the areas of sustainability, environmental protection horticulture and urban agricultural sciences. These programs and the Canada Foundation for Innovation supported Institute for Sustainable Horticulture will contribute to research and development related to energy reduction, sustainable production and productivity.
This federal investment is part of the Government’s two-year, $2-billion plan to repair and expand research and educational facilities at Canadian post-secondary institutions. The Knowledge Infrastructure Program is helping to provide economic stimulus and promote employment by creating jobs for engineers, architects, tradespeople and technicians. In B.C., the federal government is providing up to 50 per cent of the cost of selected projects on a cost-share basis with the Province.
These timely Federal and Provincial grants will allow the university to introduce more comprehensive service and support systems for a growing and more diverse student population as important new degree programs are introduced in vital fields of study like environmental sustainability, sustainable agrifood systems, and biocontrols for plant and crop diseases.
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For more information about this story, contact:
John McKendry
Special Advisor to the President – Langley Campus
Tel: 604.599.3310
Mark Warawa, MP
Langley Constituency Office
Tel: 604-534-5955
For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Peter Chevrier
Director, Marketing and Communications
Tel: 604.599.2286