Kwantlen Polytechnic University celebrates academic excellence and student leadership

Tue, Jun 29, 2010


Brad Head
Brad Head (centre) accepts the Above and Beyond Leadership award from
president David Atkinson (right) and Student Life and Development coordinator Kurt Penner (left).


For immediate release

June 30, 2010

Kwantlen Polytechnic University celebrates academic excellence and student leadership

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Kwantlen Polytechnic University Student Life and Development department hosted the fifth annual Celebration of Excellence reception to recognize and celebrate excellence in student leadership and academic achievement.

Student leadership awards were presented to students who have served as academic club or society executives, contributing to the university community and serving key functions that linked classroom learning with real-world application, career development and citizenship contributions.

Receiving the ‘Above and Beyond’ Leadership award, Brad Head, an accounting student, has been actively volunteering in the Kwantlen community, contributing to many student events and activities including the Kwantlen student orientation program and Student Leadership Conferences. Head was recently elected the director of academics of the Kwantlen Student Association.

“To receive the Above and Beyond Award from the Celebration of Excellence is a privilege as I have put much time and pride into the projects I work on,” comments Head. “To be recognized for my contribution means that I have been able to make a difference with those I meet, and the award allows me the opportunity to thank all those who have helped achieve my potential.”

Scholarship awards were presented to the top first-year students in each discipline while second and third-year students received continuation scholarships if they maintained a grade point average of A- or above.

Leslie Gordon, academic award winner for the top first year GPA majoring in psychology says, “This was very meaningful to me. I have never been recognized for any type of academic achievement before. This was completely unexpected and wonderful.”

David Atkinson, Kwantlen’s president and vice chancellor, addressed the awardees and their parents or partners. In addition to congratulating the awardees, he noted that credit is also appropriate for those who have supported each of us along the way.

Joining her students in celebrating their outstanding achievements, psychology faculty Jocelyn Lymburner remarks, “It was wonderful to be involved in the event and to celebrate the students’ successes. She adds, “Research indicates a clear benefit for students’ academic and overall development through involvement in student clubs.”

Kwantlen Polytechnic University congratulates each of these awardees for their stellar accomplishments. For a complete list of all award recipients, visit

As a leader in innovative and interdisciplinary education, Kwantlen Polytechnic University offers all learners, regardless of background and preparation, opportunities to achieve the highest standards of academic performance. For more information, visit:

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For more information about Student Life and Development at Kwantlen, contact:
Theresa Voorsluys
Program Assistant, Student Life and Development
Tel: 604.599.2415


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Audrey Wang
Manager, Communications
Tel: 604.599.2385