Kwantlen honours environmental protection graduate with President’s Outstanding Graduate Award

Wed, Oct 6, 2010


Ryan Lebek
Ryan Lebek, Diploma of Technology in Environmental Protection
graduate received Kwantlen’s President’s Outstanding Graduate Award


For immediate release

October 7, 2010

Kwantlen honours environmental protection graduate with President’s Outstanding Graduate Award

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Ryan Lebek, Diploma of Technology in Environmental Protection graduate, was presented Kwantlen’s President’s Outstanding Graduate Award for a diploma program at Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s 2010 Convocation ceremony held on Thursday at its Surrey Campus.

Reflecting on his success, Lebek credits his experiences in the Co-op program with helping him set his education and career goals, “I was lucky enough to get a co-op position in Ghana for three months,” he explains. “It was an amazing experience that helped me grow as a person, and reinforced my commitment to protecting the environment globally. The experience drove home the point that we need to better understand our effect on the environment and ultimately on ourselves.”

As a student, Lebek appreciated the support from his teachers and the programming flexibility to discover his passion at Kwantlen. “They have a comprehensive science department, which was what I was looking for because I was unsure of what I wanted to focus on. I got to dabble in chemistry, biology, physics, geology, and hydrology before I finally found the environmental protection technology program.”

Lebek’s long-term goal is to become a scientific researcher, something he blames squarely on the Discovery Channel, “I’ve always loved the documentaries exploring and explaining new ideas and concepts. The pursuit of knowledge, on its own or for the betterment of scientific understanding and humanity, is an admirable pursuit that I hope to join one day.”

Presented annually, this award encourages Kwantlen students to excel in their chosen fields of study and to participate in university, student and community activities to the benefit of others. Recipients have completed all their study in one program at Kwantlen; have consistently shown outstanding ability in the field; have contributed in a significant way to Kwantlen or community affairs; and may be recommended by faculty.

As a leader in innovative and interdisciplinary education, Kwantlen Polytechnic University offers all learners, regardless of background and preparation, opportunities to achieve the highest standards of academic performance. For more information, visit:

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Teresa McLeod
Scholarships & Awards Coordinator, Student Awards and Financial Assistance
Tel: 604.599.2278


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Director, Marketing & Communications
Tel: 604.599.2243