Kwantlen leading the way for energy conservation

Sun, Nov 7, 2010


Kwantlen receives BC Hydro Award
Karen Hearn, executive director of facilities management at Kwantlen, holds the 2010 BC Hydro
Power Smart Leadership Excellence Award in front of Kwantlen’s Surrey Main building in Surrey.


For immediate release

November 8, 2010

Kwantlen leading the way for energy conservation

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Kwantlen Polytechnic University was recognized with a 2010 BC Hydro Power Smart Leadership Excellence award for its continued leadership in energy management and conservation. This is the fifth time that BC Hydro has recognized Kwantlen for its leadership in energy conservation and the third year in a row for Kwantlen to be acknowledged for Leadership Excellence. As a 2010 Power Smart Leader in the category of Leadership Excellence, Kwantlen has demonstrated a deep commitment to energy conservation, leading the way for other local and B.C. businesses alike.

Environmental sustainability is an important element of Kwantlen’s mandate,” says David Atkinson, Kwantlen president and vice-chancellor. “This recognition from BC Hydro reaffirms Kwantlen’s leadership in energy conservation and its unyielding commitment to sustainability and resource management.”

The Power Smart Leadership Excellence Award is a highly regarded designation that recognizes energy efficient organizations that achieve progressively greater levels of energy savings year-over-year, while clearly demonstrating continuous improvement for the future.

Kwantlen was one of only 13 organizations in the province to be named a 2010 Power Smart Leader, the highest recognition for energy conservation from BC Hydro. With a relentless commitment to maintain its leadership in environmental sustainability, Kwantlen has managed to maintain its utilities budget at the same rate as in 2001 despite an increase of over 30 per cent more space at Kwantlen. Overall, Kwantlen’s campuses use 40 per cent less energy than the typical college and 66 per cent less energy than the average university in Canada.

In the past 10 years Kwantlen’s energy reductions have been sufficient to power over 4,150 homes for a year, resulting in millions of dollars of avoided energy costs and a savings of over $430,000 for utilities for the coming fiscal year. Kwantlen’s energy conservation strategies include: 

  • Kwantlen links energy conservation with its Carbon Neutral Action Report, ensuring that energy remains a key organizational priority. 
  • The university’s detailed energy reporting system is unique in the education sector. 
  • Kwantlen worked with BC Hydro to identify savings and guide workplace conservation and awareness in 2009.

“Our accomplishment has been made possible by the efforts of facilities personnel, the campus community, our contract service partners and the design professionals for our new buildings,” remarks Karen Hearn, executive director of facilities management at Kwantlen.

Kwantlen is committed to its leadership in environmental sustainability in all aspects of university operations, taking measures to minimize the impact on the environment. Kwantlen dedicates time and resources to encourage and educate the community about the benefits and responsibility of participating in energy conservation and other sustainable initiatives. For more information, visit:

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For more information about Kwantlen’s energy conservation strategies, contact:
Karen Hearn,
Executive Director, Facilities Management
Tel: 604.599.2442


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Shina Boparai
Advancement Officer, Office of Advancement
Tel: 604.599.3158