Kwantlen journalism faculty honoured for excellence

Mon, Nov 8, 2010


Chad Skelton
Chad Skelton (right), Kwantlen journalism faculty and reporter for the Vancouver Sun, and his
colleague Lori Culbert (left) received the Jack Webster Award for Excellence in Online Journalism.


For immediate release

November 9, 2010

Kwantlen journalism faculty honoured for excellence

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Chad Skelton, Kwantlen Polytechnic University journalism faculty and reporter for the Vancouver Sun, and his colleague Lori Culbert received the Jack Webster Award for Excellence in Online Journalism for their online database tracking municipal election campaign contributions.

Upon receiving the prestigious award, a recognition honouring outstanding journalism in B.C., Skelton remarks, “I was excited to share this award with my colleague Lori Culbert and am grateful to work for a newspaper that values online journalism and gives reporters the time to pursue major investigative projects. In addition, it was particularly nice to win the award in front of so many of my current and former journalism students from Kwantlen.”

Skelton and Culbert’s work is important to the public because the online database they compiled enables voters to find out the donor’s name and the amounted donated towards the mayoral and council candidates in the last municipal election.

Splitting time between teaching journalism courses at Kwantlen and reporting stories, Skelton brings his expertise into the classroom by incorporating the latest journalistic research tools and current course materials, keeping his courses fresh and relevant to the industry. Employing a practical teaching style, Skelton encourages vigorous class discussions while drawing from real world examples to demonstrate the most effective tools and techniques to his students.

“It is great to see Chad’s work recognized with this award,” comments Robert Adamoski, dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. “Chad’s work in online journalism allows him to bring invaluable, practical knowledge, experience and perspective to his teaching. Our newly revised Bachelor of Journalism program has specifically been designed to prepare students for the dynamic, evolving role of reporting in the web world. That is a world in which Chad Skelton is working—and as judged by his peers, working exceptionally well.”

As part of the journalism program’s redesigned curriculum, a new “Citizen Journalism” course offered in fall of 2011 will explain the investigative journalistic techniques employed by professional reporters to uncover information important to individuals and community groups. The course will be open to journalism students and to students in other programs.

Kwantlen’s Faculty of Social Sciences is committed to excellence and innovation in teaching, research and scholarship. Through their teaching and research, our faculty seeks to increase human knowledge and engage students through the study and practice of disciplines devoted to culture and society. We create innovative learning opportunities in the classroom, and in the community, where students learn and apply leading edge theory and techniques. For more information, visit:

Founded in 1986, The Jack Webster Foundation carries on Jack's legacy by promoting and recognizing the achievements of B.C. based reporters with the Jack Webster Awards.

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For more information about this story, contact:
Chad Skelton
Faculty, Journalism


For more information about Kwantlen’s Faculty of Social Sciences, contact:
Robert Adamoski
Dean, Social Sciences


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Shina Boparai
Advancement Officer, Office of Advancement
Tel: 604.599.3158