Accountants Assail Kwantlen Campus

Mon, Feb 7, 2011


Accountants Assail Kwantlen Campus
Accountants Assail Kwantlen Campus

For immediate release

February 8, 2011

Accountants Assail Kwantlen Campus

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) What did 45 professional accountants do on Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s Surrey Campus Friday afternoon?  They took time to share with 180 students what a career in accounting is really like.  The Kwantlen Student Accounting Club and the accounting faculty of the Kwantlen School of Business joined forces on Friday, February 4, to bring real world experience to students who might consider this career path.  Accountants with CMA (Certified Management Accountant), CGA (Certified General Accountant) and CA (Chartered Accountant) designations came from a variety of organizations including Terasen Gas, Canada Revenue Agency, KPMG Public Accountants and many more employers of all sizes. 

This round-table event allowed groups of students to share dialogue with accountants and faculty members. Conversation was animated as students were able to get answers to hard-hitting questions from industry experts. Students left the conference with clear direction on what an accounting career and earning potential could be.

The three Canadian professional accounting associations in British Colombia sponsored the event: CMA, CGA, and CA.  Kwantlen President and Vice-Chancellor, David W. Atkinson, welcomed guests and Arthur Coren, Dean, School of Business, thanked everyone for an incredibly successful event. 

Kwantlen offers more opportunities for students to study accounting than any other post-secondary institution in BC with 30 full-time, designated accountants on the faculty and up to 98 sections of accounting courses, from first to fourth year, in any one semester. Visit for more information.


For more information about this article and/or Kwantlen, contact:
Joanne Saunders
Director, Marketing and Communications
Tel: 604.599.2243