Co-op Success Story at MNP

Thu, Mar 13, 2014

The best co-op opportunities provide career-hatching experience – and help you make a smooth transition into the workforce once you’ve finished your studies.

MNP’s Kelly Boxma knows this from first-hand experience.

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The best co-op opportunities provide career-hatching experience – and help you make a smooth transition into the workforce once you’ve finished your studies.

MNP’s Kelly Boxma knows this from first-hand experience.

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From Co-op To Career At MNP: A New Grad Success Story

By Elias Da Silva-Powell

The best co-op opportunities provide career-hatching experience – and help you make a smooth transition into the workforce once you’ve finished your studies.

MNP’s Kelly Boxma knows this from first-hand experience.

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) student from Kwantlen Polytechnic University started a co-op position with MNP in January 2013.

For Kelly, personal engagement was a big factor in deciding to pursue a co-op position at MNP.

“I chose to work at MNP because of the people I met through recruitment in 2012,” she says. “I made great connections and got along extremely well with the partners, managers and students that I met.”

This welcoming atmosphere would later play a big part in Kelly’s career start with MNP.

A typical day

As a co-op student at MNP, Kelly found herself tasked with a lot of responsibility.

“Throughout my co-op I was able to work on a broad range of tasks,” she says. “Coming in, I thought I would just be working on T1s all day, every day.”

Instead, Kelly found herself working on several types of files and also working alongside partners on various tasks. “I think the most important accomplishment and experience for me at MNP was getting over the learning curve,” she says.

Support from her coworkers and supervisors at MNP helped Kelly navigate the challenges with confidence and plan for the future.

“Everyone at MNP was so patient and told me to absorb and take in all the new information that I was being taught,” she says. “I had follow-up meetings with my manager throughout my co-op and he would give me feedback on things that I was doing well and things that I could work on.”

From co-op role to full-time employee at MNP

Thrilled with her professional experiences, Kelly set her sights on starting a career at MNP.

“I wanted to return to MNP after graduation because I really enjoyed the level of responsibility I was given,” she says. “I know that MNP is a place where I will be able to grow personally and professionally, and I won’t remain stagnant in a position.”

Kelly set herself up for career success with the oldest approach of all: hard work.

“I worked hard and showed interest in working for the firm,” she says. “I never gave up when something didn’t make sense, and I was always open to take on new challenges – even if this meant planning the office poker night.”

The effort paid off when Kelly sat down with the managing partner of her office to discuss her experience at MNP.

“I had spoken openly with partners and managers and let them know that I wanted to come back to MNP when I finished my degree. The partner let me know that MNP wanted to offer me a full-time articling position, and I obviously accepted!”

After finishing her degree in December 2013, Kelly started her new role as an articling student in MNP’s Surrey office.

“I really felt like I was successful in my co-op role when I was offered the full-time articling position,” she says. “This was my goal throughout my co-op semester, and it felt great to achieve it.”

First career steps

Now a full-time employee at MNP, Kelly is drawing on her past experience to help her meet new challenges.

“There is a lot more responsibility and trust given to me,” she says. “I do lots of the same type of work that I was doing as a co-op student, but now there is a lot less time spent asking questions! Though I still work on simpler files, I have been exposed to and worked on a lot more challenging ones as well.”

She’s confident that her career at MNP will continue to help her learn and grow.

“My co-workers are vocal in regards to their professional future goals and I have seen firsthand that managers and partners work with them to help accomplish their goals,” Kelly says. “I know I will be supported in whatever I choose.”

She has already started making professional plans of her own.

“I am starting the CPA Professional Education Program this summer and I have already started receiving support from MNP. I will also be taking MNP’s audit course shortly and once completed, I will be going out to clients and helping perform audits and reviews.”

Her new career also includes opportunities to explore personal interests. “My co-workers at MNP have supported me throughout many personal goals, including raising over $1,400 for the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Foundation,” she says. “MNP doesn’t just talk about work/life balance. They actually practice what they preach.”

Kelly’s advice for students hoping to hatch a career?

“I would encourage all students to find a firm that matches their personality and supports their personal values,” she says.

“I know that I have found that with MNP and couldn’t be happier.”
