Andy Smith did something few people ever consider — he gave a complete stranger a second chance at life.
Smith is manager of the KPU Farm at the Garden City Lands near the university’s Richmond campus. But he shared something other than his agricultural expertise after learning of a friend’s pledge to become a living kidney donor.
Smith decided to become a donor himself.
After researching the idea, Smith underwent testing, revealing he was a suitable candidate and the risks to his health were low. Last December, the 33-year-old donated one of his kidneys to an unknown recipient.
“It was a very easy decision. It wasn’t something that I had to overcome a lot of hesitation. It really felt like a gift for me to do it. There’s an indescribable beauty to knowing there’s a part of me that’s hopefully living on in someone else,” says Smith.
According to BC Transplant, which oversees organ donations and transplants in B.C., only about 10 people donate a kidney anonymously in the province each year. Adults in B.C. may choose to donate a kidney to someone they know, on behalf of someone they know, or anonymously.
Although a kidney donation is major surgery, the risk of serious complications is under two per cent, and transplant options are generally better with kidneys from living donors than for kidneys from deceased donors.
Aside from some initial pain and discomfort, Smith describes his recovery as low impact. And throughout the process he felt a bond with the recipient — despite not knowing who that person is.
Although Smith is open to meeting the recipient of his kidney, it’s not a guarantee. BC Transplant is able to make the connection only after one year has passed since the date of the transplant and if both parties request direct contact.
“I would just like to say to the recipient that I have felt really connected. It’s not like we know each other, but know that connection exists and that you’re cared for,” he says.
As of Aug. 1 there were 448 people on a waiting list for a kidney in B.C. If more people consider donating and decide it’s the right choice for them, that list could easily be reduced or eliminated, says Smith.
“If just a few of us, percentage-wise, make the choice to donate a kidney, then there’s no list,” he says. “This is a way to save lives.”