Fitness Classes

Fitness Classes

No Classes on Statutory Holidays

  • Kickboxing (Specialty Class)

    A conditioning class which will challenge your cardiovascular system at high intensities that mimic the demands of sparring in a ring. Learn basic boxing skill and have fun in a dynamic and tough class! This class is pre-registered for 4 weeks at a time. 

  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

    High-Intensity Interval Training is a full-body, high-energy class that combines strength training with bursts of cardio to improve your overall conditioning.

    All fitness levels are welcome. 

  • Stretch & Flex

    Join us for this new class and make time for stretching and light movement in your day! This class is designed to awaken your body and mind. You can expect gentle stretches and mat-exercises to prepare you for your day!

    Available in Langley and Richmond. 

Upcoming Class Changes

Please note campus class cancellations or changes will appear in this block. Cancelled or changed classes will not reflect in the calendar.

Class Cancellations:

No updates at this time. 

Fitness Class Schedule

March 2025
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

On-demand Fitness Videos

Can't make to a live class? Check out our library of on-demand fitness videos.


KPU Fitness Classes are offered exclusively to KPU students, faculty and staff. The level of physical activity will vary in difficulty and should be done in accordance with your own abilities. Before you begin, you should consult with your physician or medical professional to ensure you are healthy enough to participate in this class. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.

As with any physical activity, there is a possibility of injury. If you choose to engage in this class you acknowledge and understand that you are voluntarily participating in these activities, are doing so at your own risk and will assume all risks of injury and will agree to release and discharge KPU, its directors, faculty, staff, students, associates or their agents from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown relating to your participation in this fitness class.

By participating in this KPU fitness class you implicitly signify your agreement to all parts of the above disclaimer. KPU, its directors, faculty, staff, students, associates or their agents in relation to the KPU fitness class will not be responsible for your participation in this class and in no event be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, equitable or consequential damages.

Please visit The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology - Get Active Questionnaire and ensure you are ready to get active!