

Our department has been “expanding” for quite some time, and in more ways than one. On the physical front, the renovation of faculty and staff offices on our Surrey campus started in fall 2006 and was completed in January 2007. In addition to offices, our new premises provide us with a research lab and generous informal meeting areas for faculty, staff and students. Drop by to see our new space on the second floor of the G building in Surrey G2035, and watch this webpage for an invitation to our formal opening.

On the academic front, three new faculty members have joined us this term: Dr. Robert Zanatta and Dr. Lana Besel in the area of psychological criminology and Garth Manning for an introductory course on the criminal justice system. In addition, two new courses have been launched, CRIM 4154 Community Criminal Justice Project I and CRIM 4900 Special Topics. Dr. Evelyn Zellerer is teaching CRIM 4154, and she and her students are working on a research project with the Surrey School Board. Jane Miller-Ashton is teaching CRIM 4900, and she and her students are taking an in-depth look at victims and the criminal justice system. Evelyn is also leading the second offering of CRIM 4160, the practicum associated with our Bachelor of Arts in Community Criminal Justice program. All students have found excellent placements. Hollis Johnson is developing the implementation of a new course in CRIM 3113 Critical Criminology, which will be offered this summer. Dr. Franco Marino is actively involved in data analysis with the Delta School Board and 4th year student Ramie is working on a paper with him in CRIM 4150 Directed Studies on age variation in perceptions of police. Several other 4th year students are also working with individual faculty members on specific projects through CRIM 4150.

Our students made Kwantlen history in May 2006 when the Bachelor of Arts Community Criminal Justice saw its first graduating class obtain their degrees. More students will join them this year and the Bachelor of Arts in Criminology will have its first graduates this spring.

The Criminology Club is active under the leadership of students Karenjit Gill and Melissa Fraser and faculty advisor Karey Brooks.