Student Satisfaction Survey – Frequently Asked Questions

Is this survey confidential? Who will have access to my information?

Your survey answers are completely confidential. All personally identifiable information, such as your name or email address, is removed prior to analysis so that you are not linked with your answers. The survey responses you provide are only accessible by a restricted number of staff in the Office of Planning & Accountability for the purpose of analysis. The same is true for your contact information (i.e., email address), which is only used for the purpose of conducting the prize draw and contacting the winner.

The survey has questions about my identity and background (e.g., sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, whether my parents attended post-secondary education). Why does KPU need to collect such personal information? How will it be used?

KPU aims to create an equitable environment where all students feel they are treated fairly. In order to eliminate barriers to inclusion, we must first identify where and for whom those barriers exist. Collecting demographic information on the student body helps KPU to identify service gaps and make evidence-based decisions.

The information collected on the Student Satisfaction Survey has been used in many ways for the purpose of supporting KPU’s student body. Some examples include:

  • Informing the development of health programs and policies,
  • Increasing grant funding available to students to help combat food insecurity,
  • Hiring chaplains from different backgrounds for the Multi-Faith Centre,
  • Supporting KPU’s Pride Crosswalks project, as well as a faculty member’s research grant to do more research on how 2SLGBTQIA+ students are doing at KPU,
  • Guiding funding of workshops for students and staff, and
  • Improving understanding for Faculties/Schools about who they are serving.

Please note that you also have the option to skip or select the “Prefer not to answer” option for questions of a personal nature that you don’t feel comfortable answering.

You asked a question about racial background. How were the categories chosen?

These categories were chosen based on the latest standard from Statistics Canada, which currently identifies South Asian, Chinese, Black, Filipino, Latin American, Arab, Southeast Asian, West Asian, Korean, and Japanese as substantial groups in the Canadian population. Some categories were added or revised based on what we already know about the racial diversity of the KPU region and our student body in order to help students find categories that best describe them. We recognize that the categories are uneven at times (i.e., categories are variously based on country, region, or racial group). After research and consultation, we understand there’s no perfect way to collect this data, and we have prioritized making the question as clear as possible to both domestic and international students.

How will the survey results be shared?

Quantitative results from the survey will only be shared in aggregate, in a summarized format. For example, we may report the percentage of students who are dissatisfied with the registration process, or the average number of courses students wanted to take this semester. In some cases, verbatim written comments will be shared with relevant departments at KPU. Results are distributed as tabular reports and infographic reports, some of which are publicly available here:

The prize for the survey is a chance to win either an $800 tuition waiver or a $400 gift card. Why are the amounts different? Why can’t the winner receive a cash prize instead?

In recent years, only a tuition waiver has been offered as a prize. Recognizing that this would not be helpful for students who are graduating this Fall, or those who have their tuition paid through other means (e.g., the Former Youth in Care tuition waiver), we decided to create an alternative prize that would still be a substantial amount. We are unable to provide cash substitutes or to provide an equally large gift card due to Canada Revenue Agency regulations regarding cash-based prizes.

Who should I contact if I have more questions about the survey?

You can contact our office at One of our team members will get back to you as soon as we can.