Fall 2018 Timetable - English (ENGL)


ENGL 1100 Intro to University Writing (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33795     L10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M W     0830  0950  Langley, East       2590      Hickman-Barr, Gay
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-13: Reserves lifted earlier
33837     L11       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1300  1550  Langley, East       2590      Hickman-Barr, Gay
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-13: Reserves lifted earlier
33838     L12       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1600  1850  Langley, East       2590      Nilsson, Joakim
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       1530  1830  Langley, East       2590      Nilsson, Joakim
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-13: Reserves lifted earlier
33839     L13       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1300  1550  Langley, West       1305      Swail, Brian
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      1200  1500  Langley, West       1305      Swail, Brian
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-13: Reserves lifted earlier
33840     L14       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1000  1250  Langley, East       2590      Hickman-Barr, Gay
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-13: Reserves lifted earlier
33841     L15       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1300  1550  Langley, East       2590      Buirs, Betty Anne
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      1200  1500  Langley, East       2590      Buirs, Betty Anne
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-13: Reserves lifted earlier
33842     L16       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1300  1550  Langley, West       2020      Sayed, Asma
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-13: Reserves lifted earlier
33796     L17       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1300  1550  Langley, East       2590      Buirs, Betty Anne
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec      R    1200  1500  Langley, East       2590      Buirs, Betty Anne
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-13: Reserves lifted earlier
34299     L18       Class            04/Sep - 05/Dec      R    1600  1850  Langley, East       2590      Nilsson, Joakim
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec      R    1530  1830  Langley, East       2590      Nilsson, Joakim
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-13: Reserves lifted earlier
34647     L19       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1600  1850  Langley, West       2025      Howell, Linda
Suspended section—will open pending demand and/or resources.
2018-07-24: Suspended section – to open 2018-07-25
2018-07-25: Suspended section opened
2018-10-0 1: Final exam cancelled
34300     L50       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1900  2150  Langley, East       2590      Sayed, Asma
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-13: Reserves lifted earlier



CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
34307     A75       Online           04/Sep - 05/Dec            -     -    Online                        Ohler, Paul
                    Mid-term exam    30/Oct - 30/Oct    T      1000  1250  Richmond Main       1690      Ohler, Paul
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      0830  1130  Richmond Main       1690      Ohler, Paul
7 seats reserved for International Students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. Midterm and final exam will be held at the Richmond campus. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit Z edCred.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
30517     A76       Online           04/Sep - 05/Dec            -     -    Online                        Mendis, Ranjini
                    Mid-term exam    19/Oct - 19/Oct       F   1600  1850  Surrey, Cedar       1050      Mendis, Ranjini
                    Final exam       07/Dec - 07/Dec       F   1530  1830  Surrey, Cedar       1050      Mendis, Ranjini
Midterm and final exam will be held at the Surrey campus. 7 seats reserved for International Students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
30518     A77       Online           04/Sep - 05/Dec            -     -    Online                        Mendis, Ranjini
                    Mid-term exam    19/Oct - 19/Oct       F   1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       2065      Mendis, Ranjini
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec      R    1200  1500  Surrey, Cedar       1045      Mendis, Ranjini
Midterm and final exam will be held at the Surrey campus. 7 seats reserved for International Students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33800     A78       Online           04/Sep - 03/Dec            -     -    Online                        Blenkhorn, Debora
                    Final exam       07/Dec - 07/Dec       F   1900  2200  Richmond Main       2003      Blenkhorn, Debora
Final exam to take place at the Richmond campus. 7 seats reserved for International Students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS. For information about programs that you can complete with zero required textbook costs, visit ZedCred.
2018-07-13: Final exam date/time added
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33813     A79       Online           04/Sep - 03/Dec            -     -    Online                        Blenkhorn, Debora
                    Final exam       08/Dec - 08/Dec        S  1200  1500  Richmond Main       2505      Blenkhorn, Debora
Final exam to take place at the Richmond campus. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS. 7 seats reserved for International Students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. For information about programs that you can complete with zero required textbook costs, visit ZedCred.
2018-07-13: Final exam date/time added
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33804     R10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1000  1250  Richmond Main       2515      Gooding, Elizabet
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33858     R11       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1000  1250  Richmond Main       2525      Bartlett, Andrew
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      0830  1130  Richmond Main       2525      Bartlett, Andrew
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33811     R12       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   1300  1550  Richmond Main       2515      Weber, Steve
                    Final exam       07/Dec - 07/Dec       F   1200  1500  Richmond Main       2515      Weber, Steve
7 seats reserved for International students. 18 seats reserved for Engineering First-Year students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33812     R13       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1600  1850  Richmond Main       2515      Bartlett, Andrew
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      1530  1830  Richmond Main       2515      Bartlett, Andrew
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33843     R14       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1000  1250  Richmond Main       2515      Gooding, Elizabet
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34648     R15       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1600  1850  Richmond Main       2525      Andrews, Tom
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-11-13: Final exam cancelled
2018-11-19: Instructor changed
33801     R16       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1000  1250  Richmond Main       2725      Ostrowski, Paul
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec     W     0830  1130  Richmond Main       2725      Ostrowski, Paul
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33859     R17       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1300  1550  Richmond Main       2515      Greenlaw, Duncan
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec      R    1200  1500  Richmond Main       2515      Greenlaw, Duncan
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33814     R18       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1600  1850  Richmond Main       2515      Boyd, Shelley
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33860     R19        -                         -     -    Cancelled
7 seats reserved for International students. 18 seats reserved for Engineering First-Year students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-20: Section cancelled
34658     R20       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1300  1550  Richmond Main       2525      Greenlaw, Duncan
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       1200  1500  Richmond Main       2525      Greenlaw, Duncan
3 seats reserved for International students. 20 seats reserved for Acupuncture First-Year students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33844     R21       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1600  1850  Richmond Main       2525      Ostrowski, Paul
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       1530  1830  Richmond Main       2525      Ostrowski, Paul
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34304     R22       Class            04/Sep - 27/Sep      R    1600  1850  Richmond Main       2003      Bartlett, Andrew
                    Class            04/Oct - 03/Dec      R    1600  1850  Richmond Main       2435      Bartlett, Andrew
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec      R    1530  1830  Richmond Main       2003      Bartlett, Andrew
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-28: Room changed
33847     R23       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1300  1550  Richmond Main       2525      Greenlaw, Duncan
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec     W     1200  1500  Richmond Main       2525      Greenlaw, Duncan
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33803     R24       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1000  1250  Richmond Main       2525      Ostrowski, Paul
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec      R    0830  1130  Richmond Main       2525      Ostrowski, Paul
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34303     R25       Class            04/Sep - 05/Dec      R    1300  1550  Richmond Main       2525      Gooding, Elizabet
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34306     R73       Class            04/Sep - 05/Dec       F   1430  1550  Richmond Main       2525      Heslop, Jackie
                    Partially online 04/Sep - 05/Dec            -     -    Online                        Heslop, Jackie
Designated as a Partially Online course. Students take part of the course online and meet for part of the course in a face-to-face class. 7 seats reserved for International Students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-28: Final exam cancelled
34305     R74       Class            04/Sep - 05/Dec       F   1300  1420  Richmond Main       2525      Heslop, Jackie
                    Partially online 04/Sep - 05/Dec            -     -    Online                        Heslop, Jackie
Designated as a Partially Online course. Students take part of the course online and meet for part of the course in a face-to-face class. 7 seats reserved for International Students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-28: Final exam cancelled




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33819     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M W     0830  0950  Surrey, Fir         322       Boyd, Shelley
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33820     S11       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Dearle, Gillian
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       0830  1130  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Dearle, Gillian
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of th e Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33821     S12       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         322       Boyd, Shelley
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33867     S13       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         322       Dearle, Gillian
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         322       Dearle, Gillian
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of th e Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
33868     S14       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T R    0830  0950  Surrey, Fir         322       Rupert, John
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec      R    0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         322       Rupert, John
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
33807     S15       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         322       Tyndall, Paul
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         322       Tyndall, Paul
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of th e Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33853     S16       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         322       Rupert, John
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         322       Rupert, John
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33869     S17       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         322       Grandison, Julia
Suspended section—will open pending demand and/or resources.
2018-07-24: Suspended section – to open 2018-07-25
2018-07-25: Suspended section opened
2018-09-1 8: Final exam cancelled
33823     S18       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         128       Ohler, Paul
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-08-09: Room changed
33831     S19       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         128       Swail, Brian
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec      R    0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         128       Swail, Brian
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33824     S20       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         322       Hemstock, Blair
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec     W     1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         322       Hemstock, Blair
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-08-15: Instructor changed
33849     S21       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         322       Klotz, Kurt
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-06-28: Instructor changed
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33825     S22       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         322       Ribkoff, Fred
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of th e Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-10-03: Final exam cancelled
34302     S23       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         118       Larsen, Kim
7 seats reserved for International students. 18 seats reserved for Engineering First-Year students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-13: Room changed
33827     S24       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         328       Sayed, Asma
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33850     S25       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         328       Kennedy, N.P.
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         328       Kennedy, N.P.
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34312     S26       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Cedar       3065      Larsen, Kim
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-13: Room changed
33851     S27       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         128       Szymanski, Nate
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         128       Szymanski, Nate
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33828     S28       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         116       Klotz, Kurt
7 seats reserved for International students. 18 seats reserved for Engineering First-Year students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-28: Final exam cancelled
33808     S29       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         328       Dearle, Gillian
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of th e Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-06: Final exam cancelled
33809     S30       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         328       Szymanski, Nate
                    Final exam       07/Dec - 07/Dec       F   1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         328       Szymanski, Nate
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of th e Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34866     S31       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         238       Azmoodeh, Kam
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         238       Azmoodeh, Kam
2018-08-08: Suspended section added
2018-08-13: Suspended section added – to open 2018-08-14
2018 -08-14: Suspended section opened
33829     S32       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M W     0830  0950  Surrey, Fir         116       Cyr, Heather
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33852     S33       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         322       Smith, Wendy
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         322       Smith, Wendy
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34649     S34       Class            04/Sep - 05/Dec       F   1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         322       Andrews, Tom
                    Final exam       07/Dec - 07/Dec       F   1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         322       Andrews, Tom
Suspended section—will open pending demand and/or resources.
2018-07-24: Suspended section – to open 2018-07-25
2018-07-25: Suspended section opened
33873     S35       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         116       Smith, Wendy
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         116       Smith, Wendy
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34316     S36       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         2422      Hardwick, Jennife
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-10-09: Final exam cancelled
33879     S37       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         116       Chan, Greg
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of th e Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34217     S38       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         116       Klotz, Kurt
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-28: Final exam cancelled
34218     S39       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Williams, Jennife
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       1200  1500  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Williams, Jennife
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-08-22: Final exam added
34247     S40       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         116       Larsen, Kim
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34313     S41       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Hemstock, Blair
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec      R    0830  1130  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Hemstock, Blair
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34311     S42       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         116       Smith, Wendy
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec      R    1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         116       Smith, Wendy
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34314     S43       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         322       Chan, Greg
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of th e Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-08-09: Room changed
34315     S44       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         2422      Hardwick, Jennife
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-10-09: Final exam cancelled
34651     S46       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Hemstock, Blair
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      1200  1500  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Hemstock, Blair
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34719     S47       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         130       Szymanski, Nate
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec     W     1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         130       Szymanski, Nate
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34653     S48       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         142       Williams, Jennife
                    Final exam       07/Dec - 07/Dec       F   0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         142       Williams, Jennife
Suspended section—will open pending demand and/or resources. 7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-23: Meeting date changed
2018-07-23: Room changed
2018-07-23: Suspended section – to open 2018-07-24
2018-07-24: Suspended section opened
34654     S49       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         232       Grandison, Julia
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-18: Final exam cancelled
34309     S50       Class            04/Sep - 05/Dec      R    1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         128       Paul, Gavin
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-08-13: Final exam cancelled
34116     S51       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         116       Azmoodeh, Kam
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec     W     1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         116       Azmoodeh, Kam
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-13: Room changed
34310     S52       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         322       Vedal, Lauren
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         322       Vedal, Lauren
Suspended section—will open pending demand and/or resources. 7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. /div>
2018-07-03: Section suspended
2018-07-24: Suspended section – to open 2018-07-25
2018-07-25: Susp ended section opened
34219     S53       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         116       Azmoodeh, Kam
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         116       Azmoodeh, Kam
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
34117     S54       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         322       Clements, Kiran
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec     W     1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         322       Clements, Kiran
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of th e Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-13: Room changed
34193     S55       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         232       Dearle, Gillian
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of th e Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-06: Final exam cancelled
34731     S56       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         232       Cochrane, Mark
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         232       Cochrane, Mark
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33871     S57       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         322       Grandison, Julia
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-09-18: Final exam cancelled
34863     S58        -                         -     -    Cancelled
Suspended section—will open pending demand and/or resources.
2018-08-07: Suspended section added
2018-08-13: Suspended section cancelled
34864     S59       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1900  2150  Surrey Main         2801      Andrews, Tom
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec      R    1900  2200  Surrey Main         2801      Andrews, Tom
2018-08-07: Suspended section added
2018-08-13: Suspended section added – to open 2018-08-14
2018 -08-14: Suspended section opened
34867     S60       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         142       Klotz, Kurt
Suspended section—will open pending demand and/or resources.
2018-08-08: Suspended section added
2018-08-17: Suspended section cancelled
2018-08-21: Suspended section – to open 2018-08-22
2018-08-22: Suspended section opened
2018-09-28: Final exam cancelled
34865     S61       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1900  2150  Surrey, Cedar       3065      Szymanski, Nate
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       1900  2200  Surrey, Cedar       3065      Szymanski, Nate
2018-08-08: Suspended section added
2018-08-13: Suspended section added – to open 2018-08-14
2018 -08-14: Suspended section opened
34876     S62       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1900  2150  Surrey, Cedar       3065      Loewen-Schmidt, C
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec      R    1900  2200  Surrey, Cedar       3065      Loewen-Schmidt, C
2018-08-13: Suspended section added – to open 2018-08-14
2018-08-14: Suspended section opened
33878     S95       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec        S  1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         322       Cochrane, Mark
                    Final exam       08/Dec - 08/Dec        S  0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         322       Cochrane, Mark
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
33877     S96       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec        S  1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         328       Ribkoff, Fred
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of th e Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-10-03: Final exam cancelled
33874     S97       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec        S  1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         328       Ribkoff, Fred
7 seats reserved for International students. Reserves will be lifted July 24. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of th e Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2018-07-24: Reserves lifted
2018-10-03: Final exam cancelled


ENGL 1104 Writing Skills for EADP (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33019     L10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   0900  1150  Langley, West       2040      Grandison, Julia
Restricted to full-time Certificate students in the Educational Assistants Program. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS. For inform ation about programs that you can complete with zero required textbook costs, visit ZedCred.
2018-09-18: Final exam cancelled
33020     L11       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   0900  1150  Langley, West       2005      Nilsson, Joakim
Restricted to full-time Certificate students in the Educational Assistants Program.


ENGL 1202 Read & Write Select. Topics (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30832     L10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1600  1850  Langley, East       2590      Swail, Brian
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec     W     1530  1830  Langley, East       2590      Swail, Brian
The Grand Tour. A great work of literature can transport you to unexpected places. We will look at a sample of several centuries worth of gr eat works (with suspects both usual and unusual) – pack your bags!
34301     L11       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1000  1250  Langley, East       2590      Swail, Brian
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       0830  1130  Langley, East       2590      Swail, Brian
The Grand Tour. A great work of literature can transport you to unexpected places. We will look at a sample of several centuries worth of gr eat works (with suspects both usual and unusual) – pack your bags!
34404     L12       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1000  1250  Langley, East       2590      Hickman-Barr, Gay
Voice from Four Continents! Listen to four women writers from four different continents re-defining the notion of the writer's authority. We analyze the use of the double voice, hear echoes of oral practices and read their subversion of patriarchy.



CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30530     A75       Online           04/Sep - 05/Dec            -     -    Online                        Mendis, Ranjini
                    Mid-term exam    20/Oct - 20/Oct        S  1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       2065      Mendis, Ranjini
                    Final exam       08/Dec - 08/Dec        S  1200  1500  Surrey, Cedar       2065      Mendis, Ranjini
Midterm and final exam will take place at the Surrey campus. The Journey and The Traveler: This fully online section will feature physical, imaginary, and metaphorical journeys, and how people change (or don't) through their experiences. You will be given plenty of opportunity to develop your expos itory, interpretive, and analytical skills.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30960     R10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1300  1550  Richmond Main       2005      Bright, Gillian
Ghost Stories. From chilling apparitions to mysterious phantoms, ghosts have populated literature for centuries. We will consider the cultur al and historical significance of ghosts, exploring the hidden meanings of “haunted” poems, plays, short stories, and novels. This course section has ZERO TEXT BOOK COSTS. For information about programs that you can complete with zero required textbook costs, visit ZedC red.
33023     R11       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1000  1250  Richmond Main       2515      Ostrowski, Paul
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      0830  1130  Richmond Main       2515      Ostrowski, Paul
33022     R12       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1300  1550  Richmond Main       2525      Williams, Jennife
Don't Tell Me What to Think: Resistance and Conformity in Literature. Explore individuals’ struggles to be true to themselves and how they c ome to an understanding of their role in society. Through discussions of poems, plays, and short stories, we will investigate what influences perceptions of sel f and others.
2018-08-21: Final exam cancelled
33854     R13       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   1000  1250  Richmond Main       2525      Gooding, Elizabet
                    Final exam       07/Dec - 07/Dec       F   0830  1130  Richmond Main       2525      Gooding, Elizabet
People and Other Animals. Whether they are companions, antagonists, symbols, or food, animals play significant roles in our lives. We’ll exp lore a range of animal-populated texts, including essays, short stories, poems, documentaries, and a novel.
34659     R14       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1300  1550  Richmond Main       2515      Greenlaw, Duncan
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      1200  1500  Richmond Main       2515      Greenlaw, Duncan
Creative Destruction. Through Camus, Beckett, Plath, Ginsberg, Hamsun, and other writers, we will look at how people refuse to conform—or fa il to conform—to societal norms, and how new codes and beliefs are re-built from the wreckage of old ones.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30532     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         322       Chan, Greg
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec      R    0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         322       Chan, Greg
Literary Constructions of House and Home: Location, location, location. More than just a real estate saying, this aspiration to find one’s p lace—geographically, socially or spiritually—is a recurring theme in literature. Join us to redefine “home” through perceptions of homeland, class, travel, and homelessness.
31911     S11       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         116       Rupert, John
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec      R    1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         116       Rupert, John
Satan, Sex, and Demoniacs. Enter, if you dare, a realm where demons attack the powerful and vulnerable: magicians, lovers, mariners, and fam ilies! Let us explore how masters of horror represent demonic possession in poetry, fiction, and film.
34720     S12       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         322       Vedal, Lauren
                    Final exam       07/Dec - 07/Dec       F   1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         322       Vedal, Lauren
Suspended section—will open pending demand and/or resources.
2018-07-24: Suspended section – to open 2018-07-25
2018-07-25: Suspended section opened
34656     S13       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   1000  1250  Surrey Main         2801      Chan, Greg
                    Final exam       07/Dec - 07/Dec       F   0830  1130  Surrey Main         2801      Chan, Greg
Literary Constructions of House and Home: Location, location, location. More than just a real estate saying, this aspiration to find one’s p lace—geographically, socially or spiritually—is a recurring theme in literature. Join us to redefine “home” through perceptions of homeland, class, travel, and homelessness.
34037     S50       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1900  2150  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Larsen, Kim
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec     W     1900  2200  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Larsen, Kim
Writing on the Edge: Madness, murder, obsessive desire. Come join us as we explore stories and poems that deal with extreme or abnormal stat es of mind, analyzing the ways in which these texts portray the potential monstrosity that lurks just beneath the surface of rational humanity.
2018-06-29: Final exam added
2018-08-23: Room changed
34875     S51       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1900  2150  Surrey Main         3801      Yen, Caimen
2018-08-13: Suspended section added – to open 2018-08-14
2018-08-14: Suspended section opened
201 8-09-28: Final exam cancelled
34657     S52       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         322       Hardwick, Jennife
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec      R    1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         322       Hardwick, Jennife


ENGL 1204 Intro to Literature - Genre (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
34406     L10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   1000  1250  Langley, West       2130      Paul, Gavin
Exploring the World, Exploring the Self. Our encounters with the short story cycle—a group of linked stories that create a larger narrative— will take us from the prairies of Canada to the streets of Bombay, from family homes to the jungles of Vietnam.
2018-08-13: Final exam cancelled
2018-08-30: Room changed




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33861     R10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1000  1250  Richmond Main       2525      Bartlett, Andrew
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec     W     0830  1130  Richmond Main       2525      Bartlett, Andrew
Animal Stories. Feral cats and loyal dogs, war horses and alligator kings. In this section we read some texts that ask questions about human -animal relationships and others that picture what wild animals experience on their own, free of human interference. Some children's and young adult literature included.
33856     R11       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1600  1850  Richmond Main       2515      Andrews, Tom
2018-11-13: Final exam cancelled
2018-11-19: Instructor changed




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33792     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         116       Smith, Wendy
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec     W     1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         116       Smith, Wendy
Through the study of short stories, poems, and plays, you will learn how to analyze literary texts and develop skills and techniques for wri ting about literature.
34407     S11       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         322       Tyndall, Paul
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec     W     1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         322       Tyndall, Paul
In this course, we will try to answer the question of what makes a work of literature or film a "classic" by reading and discussing a wide r ange of poems, short stories, plays and films, including Shakespeare's "Henry V" and Arthur Miller's "The Crucible," as well as the films "Twelve Years a Slave" and "Get Out." This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.


ENGL 2301 Canadian Lit in English (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33816     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         116       Hardwick, Jennife
                    Final exam       07/Dec - 07/Dec       F   0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         116       Hardwick, Jennife
Stories have played an important role in establishing and documenting Canada's history, identity, and values. But Canada’s national stories have often left out important voices. What stories do we know about Canada? What stories are missing? And, what happens when we start telling different stories?


ENGL 2316 English Lit: 14th-18th Cent. (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33862     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         328       Kennedy, N.P.
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         328       Kennedy, N.P.
Kings, queens, courts, courtly love & quests: what were King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table looking for? Did they find it? Let us explore together different ways of thinking & writing about their adventures—and misadventures.


ENGL 2430 Children's Literature (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
34660     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         328       Cyr, Heather
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         328       Cyr, Heather
Journey Through Childhood. You don’t have to be a child to see through a child’s eyes. Join us as we sail the seven seas, fly away to distan t lands, and storm magical castles in this historical survey of Children’s Literature.


ENGL 3306 Literature of United States (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
34405     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         116       Ohler, Paul
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec    T      1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         116       Ohler, Paul


ENGL 3328 Romantic Poetry and Poetics (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
34319     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec       F   1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         322       Clements, Kiran
                    Final exam       07/Dec - 07/Dec       F   0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         322       Clements, Kiran
This course will provide a broad introduction to the varied literary culture of the Romantic period in Britain by examining a diverse group of texts written between 1789 and 1850. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS. For information about programs that you can complete with zero required te xtbook costs, visit ZedCred.


ENGL 3340 Cross-Cultural World Lit (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
34320     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         328       Sayed, Asma
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec      R    1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         328       Sayed, Asma
Resisting Empires. Through a reading of a wide selection of 20th and 21st century Anglophone texts, this course will explore critical concep ts and issues that arise in the field of Postcolonial Literature. We will focus on influences and effects of colonization and decolonization, including question s of race, migration, language, gender, resistance, and hybridity, on literature and other cultural texts.


ENGL 3352 The British Novel, 1900-1945 (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
34321     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec      R    1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         328       Dearle, Robert
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec      R    0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         328       Dearle, Robert
The period 1900 to 1945 was one of momentous change in Britain. In 1900, Queen Victoria was on the throne, horse-drawn carriages were the ma in form of transportation, and coal powered most ships; by the end of 1945, large parts of London lay in ruins and the atomic age had dawned catastrophically in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Similarly dramatic changes took place in culture. Join us as we explore how novelists in Britain responded and contributed to the birth of the 20th century.


ENGL 3356 Modern & Contemporary Poetry (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
34322     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec   M       1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         328       Tyndall, Paul
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec   M       0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         328       Tyndall, Paul
Modern and Contemporary Poetry of Witness. This course will examine the diverse ways modern and contemporary poets from across the English-s peaking world have used poetry to bear witness to the social, political and cultural upheavals of the 20th and 21st centuries.


ENGL 3370 Life-Writing (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
34323     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         328       Ribkoff, Fred
Trauma and Survival: Probing the Limits of Memory in Memoir, Oral Testimony and Documentary Film. Recounting personal and communal trauma pu shes and probes the limits of memory. This course investigates how stories of survival from genocide, political and cultural oppression, and physical disability emerge and intersect in memoir, oral testimony and documentary film forms.
2018-10-03: Final exam cancelled


ENGL 4401 Topics in Canadian Literature (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
34403     S10       Class            04/Sep - 03/Dec     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Boyd, Shelley
Restaurant Narratives. "Stack a hots!" "Order up!" "Would you like fries with that?" What are the traditions and characteristics of restaur ant narratives in Canadian literature? What does it mean when some characters live and/or work within restaurant spaces, while others are depicted eating outsid e their home environments? In this seminar we will study and create restaurant narratives through a range of forms, such as fiction, poetry, memoir, food journ alism, and restaurant reviews. Our readings will be informed by restaurant-related scholarship, online resources, and critical theories of food and eating.


Last updated: 16-Jan-2019 12:01:55