Fall 2019 Timetable - English (ENGL)


ENGL 1100 Intro to University Writing (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33795     L10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1000  1250  Langley, East       2590      Hickman-Barr, Gay
33837     L11       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1600  1850  Langley, East       2590      Hickman-Barr, Gay
33839     L13       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1600  1850  Langley, East       2590      Hickman-Barr, Gay
33841     L14       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1000  1250  Langley, West       2030      Nilsson, Joakim
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     0830  1130  Langley, West       2030      Nilsson, Joakim
33842     L15       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1000  1250  Langley, East       2590      Buirs, Betty Anne
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec    T      0830  1130  Langley, East       2590      Buirs, Betty Anne
33796     L16       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1300  1550  Langley, East       2590      Buirs, Betty Anne
                    Final exam       12/Dec - 12/Dec      R    1200  1500  Langley, East       2590      Buirs, Betty Anne
34299     L17       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1300  1550  Langley, East       2590      Alm, Kirsten



CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
35078     A75       Online           03/Sep - 02/Dec            -     -    Online                        Mendis, Ranjini
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec       F   0830  1130  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Mendis, Ranjini
35079     A76       Online           03/Sep - 02/Dec            -     -    Online                        Mendis, Ranjini
                    Final exam       07/Dec - 07/Dec        S  0830  1130  Surrey, Cedar       2065      Mendis, Ranjini
35080     A77       Online           03/Sep - 02/Dec            -     -    Online                        Blenkhorn, Debora
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec    T      1200  1500  Richmond Main       2515      Blenkhorn, Debora
33800     A78       Online           03/Sep - 02/Dec            -     -    Online                        Blenkhorn, Debora
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec      R    1200  1500  Richmond Main       3625      Blenkhorn, Debora
35081     A79       Online           03/Sep - 02/Dec            -     -    Online                        Ohler, Paul
                    Mid-term exam    18/Oct - 18/Oct       F   1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       3065      Ohler, Paul
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec       F   0830  1130  Surrey, Cedar       3065      Ohler, Paul




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33804     R10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1000  1250  Richmond Main       2525      Ostrowski, Paul
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       0830  1130  Richmond Main       2525      Ostrowski, Paul
33858     R11       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1000  1250  Richmond Main       2525      Doyle, Kegan
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec    T      0830  1130  Richmond Main       2525      Doyle, Kegan
33811     R12       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1000  1250  Richmond Main       2525      Ostrowski, Paul
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     0830  1130  Richmond Main       2525      Ostrowski, Paul
33812     R13       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec       F   1300  1550  Richmond Main       2505      Bartlett, Andrew
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec       F   1200  1500  Richmond Main       2515      Bartlett, Andrew
34648     R15       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec       F   1000  1250  Richmond Main       2125      Gooding, Elizabet
33801     R16       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1300  1550  Richmond Main       2525      Greenlaw, Duncan
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec    T      1200  1500  Richmond Main       2525      Greenlaw, Duncan
33859     R17       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1300  1550  Richmond Main       2003      Greenlaw, Duncan
                    Final exam       12/Dec - 12/Dec      R    1200  1500  Richmond Main       2003      Greenlaw, Duncan
33814     R18        -                         -     -    Cancelled
33860     R19       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1600  1850  Richmond Main       2525      Ostrowski, Paul
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec    T      1530  1830  Richmond Main       2525      Ostrowski, Paul
34658     R20       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1300  1550  Richmond Main       2525      Bartlett, Andrew
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     1200  1500  Richmond Main       2525      Bartlett, Andrew
33844     R21       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1300  1550  Richmond Main       2060      Doyle, Kegan
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     1200  1500  Richmond Main       2060      Doyle, Kegan
35084     R22       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1300  1550  Richmond Main       2125      Bright, Gillian
33803     R23       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1600  1850  Richmond Main       2003      Gooding, Elizabet
35085     R24       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1600  1850  Richmond Main       2525      Bright, Gillian
34304     R50       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1900  2150  Richmond Main       2525      Bartlett, Andrew
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec    T      1900  2200  Richmond Main       2525      Bartlett, Andrew
35089     R51       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1900  2150  Richmond Main       2525      Cochrane, Mark
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     1900  2200  Richmond Main       2525      Cochrane, Mark
34306     R73       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec       F   1430  1550  Richmond Main       2525      Ohler, Paul
                    Partially online 03/Sep - 02/Dec            -     -    Online                        Ohler, Paul
34305     R74       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec       F   1300  1420  Richmond Main       2525      Ohler, Paul
                    Partially online 03/Sep - 02/Dec            -     -    Online                        Ohler, Paul




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33819     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M W     0830  0950  Surrey, Fir         328       Jones Square, Bry
33820     S11       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T R    0830  0950  Surrey, Fir         322       Rupert, John
                    Final exam       12/Dec - 12/Dec      R    0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         322       Rupert, John
33821     S12       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Ohler, Paul
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       0830  1130  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Ohler, Paul
33867     S13       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         116       Smith, Wendy
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         116       Smith, Wendy
33868     S14       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T R    1000  1120  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Chan, Greg
33807     S15       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T R    1000  1120  Surrey, Fir         328       Williams, Jennife
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec    T      0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         328       Williams, Jennife
33853     S16       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T R    1130  1250  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Chan, Greg
33869     S17       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T R    1130  1250  Surrey, Fir         328       Williams, Jennife
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec      R    1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         328       Williams, Jennife
33823     S18       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec       F   1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Jones Square, Bry
35109     S19        -                         -     -    Cancelled
33824     S20       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         116       MacDonald, Leanne
33849     S21       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Larsen, Kim
35110     S22        -                         -     -    Cancelled
34302     S23       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         322       Smith, Wendy
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         322       Smith, Wendy
33827     S24       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         322       Hardwick, Jennife
33850     S25       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         322       Tyndall, Paul
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         322       Tyndall, Paul
34312     S26       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec       F   1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         322       Pasquini, Robert
33851     S27       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M W     1300  1420  Surrey, Fir         322       Cyr, Heather
33828     S28       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M W     0830  0950  Surrey, Fir         322       Cyr, Heather
33808     S29       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         328       Kennedy, N.P.
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec      R    1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         328       Kennedy, N.P.
34866     S31       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         322       Swail, Brian
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec    T      1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         322       Swail, Brian
33829     S32        -                         -     -    Cancelled
33852     S33       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       3055      Gooding, Elizabet
34649     S34       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         334       Bright, Gillian
33873     S35       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Pasquini, Robert
34316     S36       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         116       Rupert, John
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec    T      1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         116       Rupert, John
33879     S37       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         142       Alm, Kirsten
33871     S38       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         322       MacDonald, Leanne
34218     S39       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         328       Swail, Brian
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         328       Swail, Brian
34247     S40       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Larsen, Kim
34313     S41       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         322       Ohler, Paul
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         322       Ohler, Paul
34311     S42       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1600  1850  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Paul, Gavin
34315     S44       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec       F   1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       2005      MacDonald, Leanne
34654     S45       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         322       Greenlaw, Duncan
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         322       Greenlaw, Duncan
34651     S46       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1600  1850  Surrey, Cedar       2005      Larsen, Kim
34719     S47       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         116       Sayed, Asma
34193     S48       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         116       Jones Square, Bry
34731     S49       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         128       Jones Square, Bry
35391     S50       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         232       Hemstock, Blair
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         232       Hemstock, Blair
34310     S51       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         322       Pasquini, Robert
34314     S52       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         3414      Andrews, Tom
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         3414      Andrews, Tom
35392     S53       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         128       Hemstock, Blair
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         128       Hemstock, Blair
33831     S54       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         328       Paul, Gavin
35393     S55       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1600  1850  Surrey Main         2801      Nilsson, Joakim
34653     S56       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1600  1850  Surrey, Cedar       3055      Smith, Wendy
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     1530  1830  Surrey, Cedar       3055      Smith, Wendy
35310     SA1        -                         -     -    Cancelled


ENGL 1104 Writing Skills for EADP (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33019     L10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec       F   0900  1150  Langley, West       2005      Hollaway, Rachell
33020     L11       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec       F   0900  1150  Langley, West       2040      Nilsson, Joakim




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
35238     F10       Class            09/Sep - 16/Oct   M W      -     -    Off Campus                    Hardwick, Jennife
                    Class            23/Oct - 30/Oct     W      -     -    Off Campus                    Hardwick, Jennife


ENGL 1202 Read & Write Select. Topics (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30832     L10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1000  1250  Langley, East       2590      Hickman-Barr, Gay
Voice from Four Continents! Listen to four women writers from four different continents re-defining the notion of the writer's authority. We analyze the use of the double voice, hear echoes of oral practices and read their subversion of patriarchy.
34301     L11       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec       F   1000  1250  Langley, East       2590      Alm, Kirsten
Indigenous and diasporic resistance: In this course, we will read and discuss essays, short fiction, and poetry by writers affected by colon ialism and migration. We will explore their critique of the political and social “script” prepared for them by the dominant, Euro-American culture of North Amer ica as well as by others within their own cultural group. We will then examine how they have navigated and negotiated boundaries and borders between cultures.



CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30530     A75       Online           03/Sep - 02/Dec            -     -    Online                        Mendis, Ranjini
                    Mid-term exam    19/Oct - 19/Oct        S  1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       2065      Mendis, Ranjini
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec      R    1200  1500  Surrey, Cedar       1045      Mendis, Ranjini
The Journey and The Traveler: This fully online section of the regular 1202 course will feature physical, psychological, and metaphorical jo urneys and their impact on characters you will meet in selected short stories and novels. You will have many opportunities to develop your analytical, expositor y, and interpretive skills




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30960     R10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec       F   1000  1250  Richmond Main       2525      Williams, Jennife
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec       F   0830  1130  Richmond Main       2525      Williams, Jennife
33023     R11       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1300  1550  Richmond Main       2525      Gooding, Elizabet
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       1200  1500  Richmond Main       2525      Gooding, Elizabet
Must Love Trees: Looking at the Natural World: What does literature suggest about our connection to nature—or our disconnection from it? Br ing your metaphorical hiking boots as we explore poems, stories, essays, a novel, and documentaries that address this question.
33022     R12       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1000  1250  Richmond Main       2525      Bartlett, Andrew
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec      R    0830  1130  Richmond Main       2525      Bartlett, Andrew
Animal Stories, Animal Songs: Cow and bear, mongoose and snake, cat and dog, elephant, eagle, and whale. Storytellers and poets have alway s marvelled at the power, beauty, and mysterious nature of nonhuman animals. This section explores texts that focus on the relationships between us and the non human creatures with whom we share the world.
33854     R13       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1600  1850  Richmond Main       2525      Bright, Gillian
Ghost Stories. From chilling apparitions to mysterious phantoms, ghosts have populated literature for centuries. We will consider the cultur al and historical significance of ghosts, exploring the hidden meanings of “haunted” poems, plays, short stories, and novels.
35114     R50       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1900  2150  Richmond Main       2525      Cochrane, Mark
                    Final exam       12/Dec - 12/Dec      R    1900  2200  Richmond Main       2525      Cochrane, Mark
Love and Power: “How do people get power over one another?” asks Anne Carson’s book The Beauty of the Husband. This course will feature lite rary works—by Edith Wharton, David Henry Hwang, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, and others—that expose the structures of social and cultural power within which, an d in resistance to which, love relationships rise and fall.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30532     S10       Class            03/Sep - 04/Oct        S  1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         128       MacDonald, Leanne
                    Class            12/Oct - 12/Oct        S  1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         120       MacDonald, Leanne
                    Class            18/Oct - 02/Dec        S  1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         128       MacDonald, Leanne
"Who’s Passing for Who?": In this course, we will explore the ways in which literary figures negotiate their own identities as they cross or challenge categorical boundaries of race, gender, sexuality, class, and even humanity. From disguised fairies and cross-dressing heroines in Chaucer and Shakes peare to body-snatchers in Jordan Peele’s Get Out, we will examine different examples of the perennial theme of passing in works ranging across several centurie s and genres.
31911     S11       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         322       Tyndall, Paul
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec    T      0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         322       Tyndall, Paul
The Great War in Literature and Film: In this course, we will explore the impact of World War One on modern literature and modern society by studying poems, short stories and films inspired by the so-called "Great War." This course is part of the Zed Cred program, which means there are no textbook c osts. All of the texts will be posted on the course website.
34720     S12       Class            03/Sep - 05/Oct     W     1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         128       Alm, Kirsten
                    Class            07/Oct - 02/Dec     W     1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         142       Alm, Kirsten
Indigenous and diasporic resistance: In this course, we will read and discuss essays, short fiction, and poetry by writers affected by colon ialism and migration. We will explore their critique of the political and social “script” prepared for them by the dominant, Euro-American culture of North Amer ica as well as by others within their own cultural group. We will then examine how they have navigated and negotiated boundaries and borders between cultures.
34656     S13       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         116       Rupert, John
                    Final exam       12/Dec - 12/Dec      R    1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         116       Rupert, John
Satan, Sex, and Demoniacs: Enter, if you dare, a realm where demons attack and destroy the powerful and vulnerable: aristocrats and intellec ts, lovers, loners, and families! Let us explore how masters of horror represent demonic possession in poetry, fiction, and film.


ENGL 1204 Intro to Literature - Genre (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
34406     L10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1300  1550  Langley, West       2045      Swail, Brian
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       1200  1500  Langley, West       2045      Swail, Brian




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33856     R11       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1300  1550  Richmond Main       2525      Ostrowski, Paul
                    Final exam       12/Dec - 12/Dec      R    1200  1500  Richmond Main       2525      Ostrowski, Paul




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33792     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         328       Smith, Wendy
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec    T      1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         328       Smith, Wendy
Through the study of short stories, poems, and plays, you will learn how to analyze literary texts and develop skills and techniques for wri ting about literature.
34407     S11       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         116       Pasquini, Robert
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         116       Pasquini, Robert
35373     S12       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         322       Swail, Brian
                    Final exam       12/Dec - 12/Dec      R    1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         322       Swail, Brian


ENGL 1207 Film and Television Narratives (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
35115     L10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1300  1550  Langley, West       2025      Nilsson, Joakim
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       1200  1500  Langley, West       2025      Nilsson, Joakim


ENGL 2300 Writing in the Digital Age (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
35116     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         136       Hardwick, Jennife


ENGL 2301 Canadian Lit in English (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33816     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         328       Chan, Greg
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         328       Chan, Greg


ENGL 2315 The Comic Voice (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
35117     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         328       Doyle, Kegan
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       1530  1830  Surrey, Fir         328       Doyle, Kegan
The Comic Voice: “The origins of humour lie in the deep contrasts offered by life itself: in the strange incongruity between our aspirations and our achievements.” (Stephen Leacock) Humour, broadly defined, exists in all cultures. But where does it come from and what does it do? Is it liberating? Re storative? And is it simply a product of life’s incongruities? In this course, we will experience the mystery and magic of the comic voice. We will look at an a rray of comic genres —parody, satire, stand-up, farce, among them—and at some explanations of why we laugh, even when we shouldn't. Masters of the comic voice t o be discussed include Oscar Wilde, Chris Rock, Lord Byron, Sarah Silverman, and the makers of South Park. As well as doing traditional academic assignments, st udents will have the opportunity to engage in comedy-related creative projects.
ENGL 1100 and 3 credits from courses in ENGL at the 1200 level or higher.


ENGL 2316 English Lit: 14th-18th Cent. (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
33862     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         116       Kennedy, N.P.
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         116       Kennedy, N.P.


ENGL 3300 Critical Theory (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
35121     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         328       Ohler, Paul
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         328       Ohler, Paul


ENGL 3311 Shakespearean Afterlives (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
35122     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec     W     1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         328       Tyndall, Paul
                    Final exam       04/Dec - 04/Dec     W     0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         328       Tyndall, Paul
Shakespeare is not simply the name of a Renaissance poet and playwright but an institution and a brand. Together we will explore what Shakes peare means to readers, audiences and consumers today through analysis of poems, plays, films, tv shows, and other forms of popular culture that draw upon his w ork. 

18 credits from courses at the 1100-level or higher, including 6 credits from courses in ENGL


ENGL 3330 Studies in Children's Lit (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
35123     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec    T      1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         116       Cyr, Heather
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec    T      0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         116       Cyr, Heather
Have you ever been convinced that there is a magical land in the back of the wardrobe? Wondered whether a singing nanny might appear on the East Wind? In this course, we will focus on fantasy literature for children from the last century, asking why fantasy and the imagination are so closely associa ted with books for children, how fantastic stories can uniquely challenge children or give them solace, and why so many of these stories are cherished by reader s again and again. ENGL 2430 not required. Bring your own wands!

18 credits from courses at the 1100 level or higher, inc luding 6 credits from courses in ENGL


ENGL 3332 Victorian Poetry & Non-Fiction (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
35124     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec       F   1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         328       Larsen, Kim
                    Final exam       06/Dec - 06/Dec       F   0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         328       Larsen, Kim
Drug abuse, adultery, prostitution, suicide, bohemian debauchery, and beautiful female “stunners” – these are some of the words often associ ated with the infamous 19th-century Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. In this course, we will examine the painting and poetry of the Pre-Raphaelite circle, exploring the mythos around this avant-garde movement and situating the themes and aesthetics of their work within the larger context of Victorian art, culture, and polit ics.

18 credits from courses at the 1100-level or higher, including 6 credits of ENGL at the 1100-level or higher


ENGL 3350 Literature and Film (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
35125     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec   M       1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         328       Greenlaw, Duncan
                    Final exam       09/Dec - 09/Dec   M       1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         328       Greenlaw, Duncan
Orphans, Rebels, and Angels: This course will investigate themes of alienation, rebellion, and exile in films such as Frankenstein, The Spir it of the Beehive, Apocalypse Now, Wings of Desire, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and Once Upon a Time in Anatolia. At the same time, it will focus on compe ting aims of escape and return, or defiance and compliance, in the relationship between film adaptations and their literary origins.

Prerequisi tes:
18 credits from courses at the 1100 level or higher, including 6 credits from courses in ENGL


ENGL 3360 Writing Women/Women Writing (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
35127     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         116       Sayed, Asma
                    Class            10/Oct - 10/Oct      R    1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         128       Sayed, Asma
                    Final exam       05/Dec - 05/Dec      R    0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         116       Sayed, Asma
This course focuses on some of the contemporary works of world literature by women. We will study women’s writing from different historical, social, and cultural perspectives. We will survey the history of women’s literature, and read a variety of feminist positions. Some of the questions we will ad dress are: Is women’s writing distinct from men’s writing? How do cultural differences affect women’s writing? How has women’s literature evolved? Among our obj ectives will be to examine how women have represented themselves in literature and how women’s writing has changed social, literary, and cultural institutions. br />
18 credits from courses at the 1100 level or higher, including 6 credits from courses in ENGL


ENGL 4420 Topics in British Literature (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
35128     S10       Class            03/Sep - 02/Dec      R    1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         328       Dearle, Robert
                    Final exam       12/Dec - 12/Dec      R    1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         328       Dearle, Robert
The Fin de Siècle and the rise of the of modern world: In this version of English 4420*, we will dive deeper into the literature, art, and c ultural politics of the late nineteenth century. We will examine some of the issues, ideas, and anxieties that define the fin de siècle and helped shape the twe ntieth century. Course readings will be include works of poetry, fiction, and drama, as well as key works of criticism. The course reading list will be finalize d in consultation with students on the first day of class. Readings may be drawn from R.L. Stevenson, Oscar Wilde, H. Ryder Haggard, Conan Doyle, Olive Schreine r, Grant Allen, Bernard Shaw, and others. Materials for the course are freely available either online or through KPU, so there is no textbook cost.

Topic courses such as English 4420 can be taken more than once for credit.

3 credits from courses in ENGL at 3000 level o r higher


Last updated: 19-Dec-2019 10:12:38