Spring 2019 Timetable - Counselling Psychology (CNPS)


CNPS 3310 Theories of Counselling (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
10920     S10       Class            03/Jan - 06/Apr    T      1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         130       Hickinbottom, Sar
This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
14405     S11       Class            03/Jan - 06/Apr    T      1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         334       Hickinbottom, Sar
This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.


CNPS 3320 Career Couns and Ed (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
14406     S10       Class            03/Jan - 06/Apr       F   1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         240       Hickinbottom, Sar
CNPS 3320 S10 is crosslisted with EDUC 3320 S10. Students may only receive credit for one.
2019-01-09: Room changed
14407     S11       Class            03/Jan - 06/Apr   M       1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         334       Timm, Maria
CNPS 3320 S11 is crosslisted with EDUC 3320 S11. Students may only receive credit for one.
14408     S12       Class            03/Jan - 06/Apr      R    1000  1250  Surrey Main         3840      Timm, Maria
CNPS 3320 S12 is crosslisted with EDUC 3320 S12. Students may only receive credit for one.


CNPS 3330 Cultural Consid in Counselling (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
14188     S10       Class            03/Jan - 06/Apr     W     1000  1250  Surrey Main         3840      Ionita, Gabriela
This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
14409     S11       Class            03/Jan - 06/Apr     W     1600  1850  Surrey Main         2840      Ionita, Gabriela
This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.


CNPS 4300 Counselling Relations. Skills (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
12075     S10       Class            03/Jan - 06/Apr   M       1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         130       Timm, Maria
13380     S11       Class            03/Jan - 06/Apr      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         334       Timm, Maria


Last updated: 07-May-2019 10:05:45