Summer 2017 Timetable - Graduate Nurse Internationally Educated Re-entry (GNIE)

GNIE 1218 Prof Nsg Theory 2 (Cr: 7)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20488     L10       Online           08/May - 05/Aug            -     -    Online                        Baron, Jackie
                    Theory           08/May - 05/Aug     W     0900  1150  Langley, South      2875      Baron, Jackie
                    Theory           08/May - 05/Aug      R    1300  1550  Langley, South      1805      Baron, Jackie
                    Final exam       10/Aug - 10/Aug      R    0830  1130  Langley, South      2875      Baron, Jackie
Students registered in GNIE 1218 L10 must also register in GNIE 1227 L01.
2017-03-31: Thursday time changed
2017-04-18: Thursday end time changed


GNIE 1227 Prof Nsg Prac 2 (Cr: 0)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
21086     L01       Lab              08/May - 29/Jul     W     1300  1550  Langley, South      1830      Baron, Jackie
                    Supervised Practi08/May - 29/Jul      R    1100  1150  Langley, South      1830      TBA
Students registered in GNIE 1227 L01 must also register in GNIE 1227 L10 or L11 or L12. Section Link ID: 5F. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 5E.
2017-03-31: Sup.Practice day/time changed
21087     L02       Lab              08/May - 29/Jul      R    1300  1550  Langley, South      1820      Baron, Jackie
                    Supervised Practi08/May - 29/Jul      R    1600  1650  Langley, South      1820      TBA
Will open pending demand and/or resources. A decision will be made by: TBA. Students registered in GNIE 1227 L01 must also register in GNIE 1227 L10 or L11 or L12. Section Link ID: 5F. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 5E.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20828     L10        -                         -     -    Cancelled
Section Link ID: 5E. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 5F.
2017-03-31: Schedule change
2017-04-21: Section cancelled
21075     L11       Clinical         08/May - 24/Jun   MT       -     -    Off Campus                    Olson, Harmeet
Section Link ID: 5E. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 5F.
2017-03-31: Schedule change
21077     L12       Clinical         15/May - 24/Jun   MT       -     -    Off Campus                    Hawkins, Judy
Section Link ID: 5E. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 5F.
2017-03-31: Schedule change
21078     L13       Clinical         08/May - 05/Aug  UMT       -     -    Off Campus                    TBA
Will open pending demand and/or resources. A decision will be made by: TBA. Section Link ID: 5E. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 5F.
21079     L14       Clinical         08/May - 05/Aug  UMT       -     -    Off Campus                    TBA
Will open pending demand and/or resources. A decision will be made by: TBA. Section Link ID: 5E. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 5F.


GNIE 1328 Prof Nsg Theory 3 (Cr: 7)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
21083     L10       Online           08/May - 17/Jun            -     -    Online                        Claxton, Leona
                    Theory           08/May - 17/Jun    T R    0900  1150  Langley, South      2870      Claxton, Leona
                    Theory           08/May - 17/Jun    T R    1300  1550  Langley, South      2870      Claxton, Leona
                    Class            07/Jun - 07/Jun     W     0900  1250  Langley, South      2870      Claxton, Leona
2017-03-31: Schedule change


GNIE 1337 Prof Nsg Prac 3 (Cr: 8)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
21084     L10       Clinical         19/Jun - 04/Aug  UMT       -     -    Off Campus                    Shortridge, Lori
21085     L11       Clinical         19/Jun - 04/Aug  UMT       -     -    Off Campus                    Purewal, Nikki
2017-03-31: Schedule change


Last updated: 12-Sep-2017 12:09:33