Summer 2019 Timetable - Applied Communications (CMNS)


CMNS 1110 Fundamentals of Bus Com (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20914     S10       Class            06/May - 03/Aug    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       3055      Vance, Karen
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug    T      1200  1500  Surrey, Cedar       3055      Vance, Karen
21856     S11       Class            06/May - 03/Aug     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         122       Vance, Karen
                    Final exam       07/Aug - 07/Aug     W     1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         122       Vance, Karen


CMNS 1140 Intro to Professional Communic (Cr: 3)



CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20055     A75       Online           06/May - 03/Aug            -     -    Online                        Horne, Gerald
                    Orientation      09/May - 09/May      R    1900  2150  Richmond Main       2825      Horne, Gerald
                    Final exam       15/Aug - 15/Aug      R    1900  2200  Richmond Main       2825      Horne, Gerald
Orientation and exam to take place at the Richmond Campus.
20056     A76       Online           06/May - 03/Aug            -     -    Online                        Horne, Gerald
                    Orientation      10/May - 10/May       F   1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       1060      Horne, Gerald
                    Final exam       09/Aug - 09/Aug       F   0830  1130  Surrey, Cedar       2065      Horne, Gerald
Orientation and exam to take place at the Surrey campus.
20057     A77       Online           06/May - 03/Aug            -     -    Online                        Remillard, Chaset
                    Orientation      11/May - 11/May        S  1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         122       Remillard, Chaset
                    Final exam       10/Aug - 10/Aug        S  0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         122       Remillard, Chaset
Orientation and exam to take place at the Surrey campus.
21339     A78       Online           06/May - 03/Aug            -     -    Online                        Remillard, Chaset
                    Orientation      10/May - 10/May       F   1300  1550  Surrey Main         2801      Remillard, Chaset
                    Final exam       09/Aug - 09/Aug       F   1200  1500  Surrey Main         2801      Remillard, Chaset
Orientation and exam to take place at the Surrey Campus.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20267     R10       Class            06/May - 03/Aug    T      1000  1250  Richmond Main       2725      Maultsaid, Deirdr
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug    T      0830  1130  Richmond Main       2725      Maultsaid, Deirdr
6 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 18.
2019-03-18: Reserves lifted
20050     R11       Class            06/May - 03/Aug    T      1300  1550  Richmond Main       2725      Maultsaid, Deirdr
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug    T      1200  1500  Richmond Main       2725      Maultsaid, Deirdr
6 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 18.
2019-03-18: Reserves lifted
20051     R12       Class            06/May - 03/Aug      R    1600  1850  Richmond Main       3625      Maultsaid, Deirdr
                    Final exam       08/Aug - 08/Aug      R    1530  1830  Richmond Main       2825      Maultsaid, Deirdr
6 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 18.
2019-03-18: Reserves lifted
22177     R50       Class            06/May - 03/Aug     W     1900  2150  Richmond Main       3080      Maultsaid, Deirdr
                    Final exam       07/Aug - 07/Aug     W     1900  2200  Richmond Main       2825      Maultsaid, Deirdr
Suspended section—will open pending demand and/or resources.
2019-03-27: Suspended section added – to open 2019-03-28
2019-03-28: Suspended section opened




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
21986     S10       Class            06/May - 03/Aug    T      1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         122       Cruthers, Arley
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug    T      0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         122       Cruthers, Arley
6 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 18. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2019-03-18: Reserves lifted
21758     S11       Class            06/May - 03/Aug    T      1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         122       Cruthers, Arley
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug    T      1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         122       Cruthers, Arley
6 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 18. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2019-03-18: Reserves lifted
21074     S12       Class            06/May - 03/Aug     W     1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         122       Vance, Karen
6 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 18.
2019-03-18: Reserves lifted
21288     S13       Class            06/May - 03/Aug     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         124       Johnson, Gloria
6 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 18.
2019-03-18: Reserves lifted
2019-04-15: Final exam cancelled
21855     S14       Class            06/May - 03/Aug      R    1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         122       Cruthers, Arley
                    Final exam       08/Aug - 08/Aug      R    0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         122       Cruthers, Arley
This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
20688     S15       Class            06/May - 03/Aug      R    1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         122       Cruthers, Arley
                    Final exam       15/Aug - 15/Aug      R    1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         122       Cruthers, Arley
This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
20772     S16       Class            06/May - 03/Aug      R    1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         122       Vance, Karen
6 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 18.
2019-03-18: Reserves lifted
21871     S17        -                         -     -    Cancelled
Suspended section—will open pending demand and/or resources. This is a Summer Session 2 course: Jul 2 to Aug 12.
2019-05-02: Suspended section cancelled
21892     S18        -                         -     -    Cancelled
Suspended section—will open pending demand and/or resources. This is a Summer Session 2 course: Jul 2 to Aug 12.
2019-05-02: Suspended section cancelled
20052     S50       Class            06/May - 03/Aug    T      1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         122       Nasir, Shoaib
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug    T      1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         122       Nasir, Shoaib
This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
21076     S51       Class            06/May - 03/Aug     W     1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         122       Nasir, Shoaib
                    Final exam       07/Aug - 07/Aug     W     1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         122       Nasir, Shoaib
This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and is part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
21073     S74       Class            06/May - 03/Aug   M       1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         122       Fong, Peg
                    Partially online 06/May - 03/Aug            -     -    Online                        Fong, Peg
Designated as a Partially Online course. Students take part of the course online and meet for part of the course in a face-to-face class.
2019-05-27: Final exam cancelled


CMNS 3000 Advanced Prof Business Cmns (Cr: 3)



CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
21080     A75       Online           06/May - 03/Aug            -     -    Online                        Basil, Bob
                    Orientation      11/May - 11/May        S  1000  1250  Richmond Main       2160      Basil, Bob
Orientation to take place at the Richmond Campus. Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, Entrepren eurial Leadership, Human Resources Management, or Marketing Management programs.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20773     R10       Class            06/May - 03/Aug     W     1600  1850  Richmond Main       3080      Basil, Bob
Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Human Resources Management, or Marketing Management programs. 6 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 18.
2019-03-01: Capacity adjusted
2019-03-18: Reserves lifted
20771     R50        -                         -     -    Cancelled
Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Human Resources Managem ent, or Marketing Management programs. 6 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 18.
2019-03-18: Reserves lifted
2019-03-27: Section cancelled




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20774     S10       Class            06/May - 03/Aug    T      1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         122       Nasir, Shoaib
Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Human Resources Management, or Marketing Management programs. 6 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 18. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and i s part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2019-03-18: Reserves lifted
21082     S50       Class            06/May - 03/Aug      R    1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         122       Nasir, Shoaib
Restricted to students in the Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Human Resources Management, or Marketing Management programs. 6 seats reserved for International students. Reserves to be lifted March 18. This course section has ZERO TEXTBOOK COSTS and i s part of the Zed Cred program. For more information visit ZedCred.
2019-03-18: Reserves lifted


CMNS 3100 Technical Report Writing (Cr: 3)



CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
21340     A75       Online           06/May - 03/Aug            -     -    Online                        Basil, Bob
                    Orientation      10/May - 10/May       F   1300  1550  Richmond Main       2160      Basil, Bob
Orientation and exam to take place at the Richmond Campus.


Last updated: 30-Aug-2019 12:08:53