Summer 2020 Timetable - Political Science (POLI)


POLI 1110 Ideology & Politics (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
21033     S10       Class            11/May - 10/Aug    T      1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         130       Vezina, Valerie
                    Final exam       18/Aug - 18/Aug    T      0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         130       Vezina, Valerie
21773     S11       Class            11/May - 10/Aug      R    1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         130       Vezina, Valerie
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug      R    0830  1130  Surrey, Fir         130       Vezina, Valerie


POLI 1120 Canadian Politics (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
21930     S11       Class            11/May - 10/Aug     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         130       Vezina, Valerie
                    Final exam       12/Aug - 12/Aug     W     1200  1500  Surrey, Fir         130       Vezina, Valerie
20762     S95       Class            11/May - 10/Aug        S  1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         130       Purewal, Shinder


POLI 1125 Intro To Political Science (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20763     R10       Class            11/May - 10/Aug    T      1600  1850  Richmond Main       2500      Purewal, Shinder




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
21034     S95       Class            11/May - 10/Aug        S  1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         130       Purewal, Shinder


POLI 3146 Government & Politics: India (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
22291     S10       Class            11/May - 10/Aug     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         3414      Purewal, Shinder


POLI 4191 ST: Contentious Politics (Cr: 3)





CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
22292     S10       Class            11/May - 10/Aug    T      1600  1850  Surrey, Fir         130       Vezina, Valerie
Politics is about conflict but not all political conflict is the same. Contentious politics involves advancing claims on the state or some n on-state actors to recognize rights, cede privileges, remove some disability or burden, or some combination of the abovementioned. Although contentious politics can take place in and through established state institutions, they are more commonly associated with disruptive, confrontational, conflictive actions, usually involving direct contact between whoever makes the claim and the state or the third or non-state party. Further, contentious politics are often linked to politi cal protest and social movements. Sometimes too, contentious politics turn violent. Those who use contentious political action to advance their claims sometimes break the law in doing so but they can also carry on their work within legal bounds. Indeed, they can combine legal and illegal action. In this course, we will look at various types of contentious politics by examining both theoretical frameworks and case-studies throughout the world.


Last updated: 03-Dec-2020 02:12:24