Fall 2014 Timetable - Chemistry (CHEM)

Please note: This web-based timetable may be phased out for the Spring 2015 semester. After that time 'Kwantlen Course Search \'CA-SEY 'SERCH\' will continue to be available as the primary search tool.  For comments or questions regarding this change please contact Scheduling@kpu.ca

Students are expected to meet all course prerequisites and co-requisites as listed below. Waivers may be requested if you can clearly demonstrate that you have the equivalent skills and knowledge. Students are responsible for completing the "Permission to Register" form and presenting it to the appropriate person, listed below, for signature.

Inquiries regarding prerequisite waivers for all Chemistry courses may be directed to chemdept@kpu.ca. Please note that the Chemistry Department does not normally grant waivers to students who have fallen short of required course prerequisite standards.


CHEM 1101 CSI: Chem Scie. Investigation (Cr: 4)

Note: This course may not be used for credit towards a science degree or as a prerequisite for further science courses. This course may be used to partially fulfill quantitative requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree, science requirements for an elementary teacher education program, lab science requirements for an Associate of Arts degree, and liberal education/breadth credits for Kwantlen degrees.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30361     R10       Class            02/Sep - 09/Dec   M  R    1400  1550  Richmond Main       3310      Adams, Michael
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Richmond Main       2550      Adams, Michael
Section Link ID: 1C. Students must also register in a lab section with Link ID: 2C.
32667     R01       Lab              02/Sep - 09/Dec      R    1200  1350  Richmond Main       3380      Bach, Douglas
Section Link ID: 2C. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 1C. Labs begin the second week of classes.
32668     R02       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    1600  1750  Richmond Main       3380      Bach, Douglas
Section Link ID: 2C. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 1C. Labs begin the second week of classes.


CHEM 1105 Introductory Chemistry (Cr: 4)

Prerequisites: (CHEM 1094 or CHEQ 1094 or [Chemistry 11 (C+)] or [Chemistry 12 (P)]) and (MATH 1012 or MATQ 1093 or MATH 1093 or [MATQ 1099 (A)] or MATH 1117 or ABEM 0011 or 0082 or MATP 1011 or PSPM 1082 or [Principles of Mathematics 11 (C+)] or [Pre-calculus 11 (C+)])




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30362     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M W     1200  1350  Richmond Main       3310      Kaushal, Paul
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Richmond Main       2550      Kaushal, Paul
Section Link ID: 3C. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 4C.
30363     R11       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T  F   0800  0950  Richmond Main       3310      Duffy, Patrick
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Richmond Main       2550      Duffy, Patrick
Section Link ID: 3C. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 4C.
30364     R01       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec   M       1400  1650  Richmond Main       3380      Bach, Douglas
Section Link ID: 4C. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 3C. Labs begin the second week of classes.
30365     R02       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      1400  1650  Richmond Main       3380      Chow, Catherine
Section Link ID: 4C. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 3C. Labs begin the second week of classes.
30947     R03       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec     W     0900  1150  Richmond Main       3380      Bach, Douglas
Section Link ID: 4C. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 3C. Labs begin the second week of classes.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30348     S10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M W     1000  1150  Surrey, Fir         336       Liu, Xin
                    Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    0900  1150  Surrey, Spruce      108       Rozen, Yulia
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Surrey, Fir         334       Liu, Xin
Lab begins the second week of classes.
2014-08-20: Instructor changed
30349     S11       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M  R    1400  1550  Surrey, Fir         336       Popoff, Richard
                    Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec     W     0900  1150  Surrey, Spruce      108       Opsetmoen, Astrid
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Surrey, Fir         3412      Popoff, Richard
Lab begins the second week of classes.
30350     S12       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M W     1600  1750  Surrey, Fir         336       Popoff, Richard
                    Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Spruce      108       Rozen, Yulia
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Surrey, Fir         3414      Popoff, Richard
Lab begins the second week of classes.
2014-08-20: Instructor changed


CHEM 1110 The Structure Of Matter (Cr: 4)

Prerequisites: (CHEM 1105 or [Chemistry 12 (C+)]) and (MATH 1012 or MATQ 1093 or MATH 1093 or 1117 or ABEM 0011 or ABEM 0082 or MATP 1011 or PSPM 1082 or [Pre-calculus 12] or [Princriples of Math 12 (P) and Math Placement Test] or [Principles of Math 12] or Principles of Math 12 (P) and Math Placement Test]
Corequisites: MATH 1112




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30396     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      1400  1550  Richmond Main       3310      Kaushal, Paul
                    Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    1200  1350  Richmond Main       3310      Kaushal, Paul
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Richmond Main       3310      Kaushal, Paul
Section Link ID: 5C. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 6C.
30437     R01       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec   M       1400  1650  Richmond Main       3320      Zhou, Yuan
Section Link ID: 6C. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 5C. Labs begin the second week of classes.
30438     R02       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec     W     0900  1150  Richmond Main       3320      Chow, Catherine
Section Link ID: 6C. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 5C. Labs begin the second week of classes.
30439     R11       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T R    1600  1750  Richmond Main       3310      Kaushal, Paul
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Richmond Main       3080      Kaushal, Paul
Section Link ID: 7C. Students must also register in a lab section with Link ID: 8C.
20 Seats reserved for BSc-Physics students. Lifte d July 15.
30447     R03       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec   M       0900  1150  Richmond Main       3320      Zhou, Yuan
Section Link ID: 8C. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 7C. Labs begin the second week of classes.
20 Seats rese rved for BSc-Physics students. Lifted July 15.
31272     R04       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      0900  1150  Richmond Main       3320      Zhou, Yuan
Section Link ID: 8C. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 7C. Labs begin the second week of classes.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30351     S10       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec   M       1300  1550  Surrey, Spruce      108       Nagra, Preet
                    Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      1400  1550  Surrey, Fir         336       Liu, Xin
                    Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    1200  1350  Surrey, Fir         336       Liu, Xin
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Surrey, Cedar       1205      Liu, Xin
Labs begin the second week of classes.
30352     S11       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M W     1200  1350  Surrey, Fir         336       Liu, Xin
                    Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      0900  1150  Surrey, Spruce      108       Opsetmoen, Astrid
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Surrey, Cedar       1205      Liu, Xin
Lab begins the second week of classes.
30353     S12       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec   M       0900  1150  Surrey, Spruce      108       Nagra, Preet
                    Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T  F   0800  0950  Surrey, Fir         336       Sud, David
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Surrey, Cedar       1205      Sud, David
Lab begins the second week of classes.
2014-08-20: Instructor changed


CHEM 1154 Chem for Engineering (Cr: 4)

Prerequisites: (CHEM 1105 or [Chemistry 12 with a C+]) and (MATH 1112 or [Principles of Math 12 with a B] or [Pre-calculus 12 with a B]




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30450     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M  R    0800  0950  Richmond Main       3310      Duffy, Patrick
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Richmond Main       3650      Duffy, Patrick
Section Link ID: 9C. Students must also register in a lab section with Link ID: NC.
20 Seats reserved for BSc-Physics students. Lifte d July 15.
30453     R01       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec       F   1300  1550  Richmond Main       3320      Bach, Douglas
Section Link ID: NC. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 9C. Labs begin the second week of classes.
30948     R02       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec       F   0900  1150  Richmond Main       3320      Bach, Douglas
Section Link ID: NC. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 9C. Labs begin the second week of classes.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30354     S10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M  R    0800  0950  Surrey, Fir         336       Pearce, Suzanne
                    Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      1400  1650  Surrey, Spruce      108       Nagra, Preet
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Surrey, Fir         336       Pearce, Suzanne
Lab begins the second week of classes.


CHEM 1210 Chemical Energetics & Dynamics (Cr: 4)

Prerequisites: CHEM 1110 and ([ MATH 1112 or higher level] or [Principles of Math 12 with a B]) or [Pre-calculus 12 with a B]




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30455     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec     W F   1400  1550  Richmond Main       3310      Duffy, Patrick
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Richmond Main       3465      Duffy, Patrick
Section Link ID: 7A. Students must also register in a lab section with Link ID: 8A.
30458     R01       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    0900  1150  Richmond Main       3320      Chow, Catherine
Section Link ID: 8A. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 7A. Labs begin the first week of classes.
30462     R02       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    1300  1550  Richmond Main       3320      Chow, Catherine
Section Link ID: 8A. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 7A. Labs begin the first week of classes.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30355     S10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M  R    0800  0950  Surrey, Fir         132       Sud, David
                    Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec       F   0900  1150  Surrey, Spruce      108       Nagra, Preet
                    Final exam       13/Dec - 13/Dec        S  1130  1430  Surrey, Cedar       1205      Sud, David
Lab begins the first week of classes.


CHEM 2315 Analytical Chemistry (Cr: 4)

Prerequisites: CHEM 1210




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
31110     S10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec     W     0900  0950  Surrey, Fir         120       Pearce, Suzanne
                    Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec     W     1300  1650  Surrey, Spruce      110       Thomas, Mark
                    Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec       F   1000  1150  Surrey, Fir         120       Pearce, Suzanne
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec     W     0800  1100  Surrey, Fir         120       Pearce, Suzanne
Labs begin the first week of classes.


CHEM 2320 Organic Chemistry I (Cr: 4)

Prerequisites: CHEM 1210 or (CHEM 1110 with a B)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30465     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T R    1000  1150  Richmond Main       3310      Adams, Michael
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec      R    0800  1100  Richmond Main       3310      Adams, Michael
Section Link ID: 9A. Students must also register in a lab section with Link ID: NA.
30466     R01       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec       F   0900  1150  Richmond Main       3380      Zhou, Yuan
Section Link ID: NA. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 9A. Labs begin the first week of classes.
30468     R02       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec       F   1400  1650  Richmond Main       3380      Chow, Catherine
Section Link ID: NA. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 9A. Labs begin the first week of classes.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30356     S10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T R    1000  1150  Surrey, Fir         336       Indurugalla, Deep
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec      R    0800  1100  Surrey, Fir         336       Indurugalla, Deep
Section Link ID: 3E. Students must also register in a lab section with Link ID: 4E.
30357     S01       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    1300  1550  Surrey, Spruce      110       Opsetmoen, Astrid
Section Link ID: 4E. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 3E. Labs begin the first week of classes.
30358     S02       Lab              02/Sep - 08/Dec       F   1300  1550  Surrey, Spruce      110       Rozen, Yulia
Section Link ID: 4E. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 3E. Labs begin the first week of classes.