Fall 2014 Timetable - Mathematics Qualifying (MATQ)

Please note: This web-based timetable may be phased out for the Spring 2015 semester. After that time 'Kwantlen Course Search \'CA-SEY 'SERCH\' will continue to be available as the primary search tool.  For comments or questions regarding this change please contact Scheduling@kpu.ca

MATQ Pathways

Online Self-Service system: Look for MATQ courses under the heading Mathematics Qualifying in the "Search for Classes to Add".

Students are expected to meet all course prerequisites and co-requisites as listed below. Waivers may be requested if you can clearly demonstrate that you have the equivalent skills and knowledge. Students are responsible for completing the "Permission to Register" form and presenting it to the appropriate person, listed below, for signature.

Prerequisites or co-requisite waivers for ACP courses (MATQ 1091, 1092, 1099) can be obtained by contacting the instructor for the course.

If the instructor is not available or is noted as "TBA", please contact the Chair of ACP:  for English (ENGQ), Aimee.Begalka@kpu.ca; for Math (MATQ 1091, 1092, 1094, 1099) or Science (BIOQ, PHYQ 1098), Geoff.Dean@kpu.ca.


MATQ 1079 Basic Mathematics (Cr: 3)

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32748     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M       1600  1850  Richmond Main       2630      Beaton, Jim
                    Final exam       15/Dec - 15/Dec   M       1500  1800  Richmond Main       2550      Beaton, Jim

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32749     S10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M W     0830  0950  Surrey, Cedar       2045      Boboricken, Tanya
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec     W     0800  1100  Surrey, Cedar       2045      Boboricken, Tanya
2014-08-20: Room changed
32750     S11       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      1000  1250  Surrey Main         3801      Robbins, Peter
                    Final exam       16/Dec - 16/Dec    T      1130  1430  Surrey Main         3801      Robbins, Peter


MATQ 1089 Intermediate Algebraic Math (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 10 (B), or Foundations and Pre-Calculus Math 10 (C), or Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 11 (C+), or Foundations of Math 11 (C-), Pre-Calculus Math 11 (C-), or MATQ 1076 (Mastery), or MATQ 1079 (C+), or MATQ 1094, or ACP Assessment with a result of "MATQ 1089", or Mathematics Placement Test with a result of "MATQ 1089"

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32751     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec     W     1300  1550  Richmond Main       2800      Beaton, Jim
                    Final exam       17/Dec - 17/Dec     W     1130  1430  Richmond Main       2800      Beaton, Jim
2014-06-02: Section times changed

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32752     S10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T R    0830  0950  Surrey, Cedar       3015      Brooks, Ian
                    Final exam       18/Dec - 18/Dec      R    0800  1100  Surrey, Cedar       3045      Brooks, Ian
2014-12-03: Final exam room changed
32753     S11       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      1000  1250  Surrey, Fir         242       Brooks, Ian
                    Final exam       16/Dec - 16/Dec    T      0800  1100  Surrey, Cedar       1205      Brooks, Ian


MATQ 1094 Foundations of Mathematics (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 10 (A), or Foundations of Math and Pre-calculus 10 (B), Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 11 (B+), Foundations of Math 11 (C), or Pre-Calculus Math 11 (C-), or MATQ 1079 (A) or MATQ 1091 (A) or MATQ 1089 (C), or an ACP Math assessment result of "MATQ 1094", or Math Placement Test result of "MATQ 1094"

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32553     R10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M W     1400  1550  Richmond Main       2630      Bains, Gurinder
                    Final exam       17/Dec - 17/Dec     W     1130  1430  Richmond Main       2630      Bains, Gurinder

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
32177     S10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T R    1130  1250  Surrey, Fir         334       Boboricken, Tanya
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec      R    1130  1430  Surrey, Fir         334       Boboricken, Tanya
2014-06-02: Days and times changed


MATQ 1099 Qualifying Studies Math (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: Foundations of Math & Pre-calculus 10 (B+), or Foundations of Math 11 (C+) or, Pre-calculus Math 11 (C) or MATQ 1089 (C+), or MATQ 1094, or ACP Assessment with a result of "MATQ 1099", or Mathematics Placement Test with a result of "MATQ 1099"

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30332     L10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T R    1000  1150  Langley, East       1515      Brush, Gene
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec      R    0800  1100  Langley, East       1515      Brush, Gene

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30368     R10        -                         -     -    Cancelled
2014-08-27: Section cancelled
30370     R11       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec       F   1000  1250  Richmond Main       2630      Murphy, Jerry
                    Final exam       12/Dec - 12/Dec       F   0800  1100  Richmond Main       2630      Murphy, Jerry
2014-08-27: Instructor changed

CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
30449     S10       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T R    0830  0950  Surrey Main         2801      Dean, Geoff
                    Final exam       10/Dec - 10/Dec     W     0800  1100  Surrey Main         2801      Dean, Geoff
30461     S11       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec   M W     1000  1150  Surrey, Cedar       3065      Brooks, Ian
                    Final exam       17/Dec - 17/Dec     W     0800  1100  Surrey, Cedar       3065      Brooks, Ian
30463     S12       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       3015      Brooks, Ian
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec      R    0800  1100  Surrey, Cedar       3015      Brooks, Ian
2014-07-18: Final exam added
30464     S13       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec    T      1000  1250  Surrey Main         2801      Dean, Geoff
                    Final exam       16/Dec - 16/Dec    T      0800  1100  Surrey, Cedar       1205      Dean, Geoff
31341     S14        -                         -     -    Cancelled
Will open pending demand and/or resources. A decision will be made by: Aug 27, 2014.
2014-08-27: Section cancelled
32552     S15       Class            02/Sep - 08/Dec      R    1000  1250  Surrey Main         2801      Dean, Geoff
                    Final exam       11/Dec - 11/Dec      R    0800  1100  Surrey Main         2801      Dean, Geoff
2014-06-11: Day and time changed