Spring 2014 Timetable - Applied Communications (CMNS)

CMNS 1120 Applied Oral Communications (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: English 12 (C) or TPC 12 (C) or ABEE 0091 (C) or ENGP 1091 (C) or LPI 26 or (ELST 0381 and 0383 with a B) or ENGQ 1099 or CMNS 1110 or 1105 or Kwantlen English Placement Test




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
10937     R10        -                         -     -    Cancelled
2013-11-22: Section cancelled




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
11398     S50       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr    T      1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         234       Wilson, Chris
2013-12-20: Instructor changed; 2014-01-21: Final exam cancelled


CMNS 1140 Intro to Professional Communic (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: English 12 (C+) or Technical and Professional Communications 12 (C+) or ABEE 0091 (C) or ABEE 0092 (C) or [ELST 0381 (B) and ELST 0383 (B)] or ENGQ 1099 (C) or CMNS 1110 (C) or Kwantlen English Placement Test or LPI Essay score of 26 or IELTS 6.5 (no band less than 6.0) or IBT 86 (no sub-score less than 20) or Paper Based TOEFL 570 (TWE 5.5)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
10426     L10       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr    T      1300  1550  Langley, West       2120      Frymire, Ange
2013-11-15: Final exam cancelled; 2013-12-17: Room changed
10427     L50       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr     W     1900  2150  Langley, East       2575      Tritchew, Panteli
2013-11-14: Final exam cancelled
10938     L74       Online           06/Jan - 12/Apr            -     -    Online                        Ingre, David
                    Class            06/Jan - 18/Jan      R    1300  1550  Langley, West       2135      Ingre, David
                    Class            24/Feb - 08/Mar      R    1300  1550  Langley, West       2135      Ingre, David
                    Class            07/Apr - 12/Apr      R    1300  1550  Langley, West       2135      Ingre, David
                    Final exam       24/Apr - 24/Apr      R    1130  1430  Langley, West       2135      Ingre, David
The above section is designated a Partially Online course. Students take part of the course online and meet for part of the course in a face-to-face class.
(Jan 9, Jan 16, Feb 27, Mar 6, and Apr 10 all in-class sessions)
2013-11-04: Changed to partially online



CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
12375     A75       Online           06/Jan - 12/Apr            -     -    Online                        Ip, Pamela
                    Orientation      11/Jan - 11/Jan        S  1300  1550  Surrey, Cedar       2045      Ip, Pamela
                    Final exam       19/Apr - 19/Apr        S  1130  1430  Surrey, Cedar       2045      Ip, Pamela
The orientation and final exam will be at the Surrey campus.
10446     A76       Online           06/Jan - 12/Apr            -     -    Online                        Richmond, Alexand
                    Orientation      11/Jan - 11/Jan        S  1000  1250  Richmond Main       2160      Richmond, Alexand
                    Final exam       19/Apr - 19/Apr        S  0800  1100  Richmond Main       2160      Richmond, Alexand
The orientation and final exam will be at the Richmond campus.
11243     A77       Online           06/Jan - 12/Apr            -     -    Online                        Ip, Pamela
                    Orientation      11/Jan - 11/Jan        S  1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       2045      Ip, Pamela
                    Final exam       19/Apr - 19/Apr        S  0800  1100  Surrey, Cedar       2045      Ip, Pamela
The orientation and final exam will be at the Surrey campus.
11480     A78       Online           06/Jan - 12/Apr            -     -    Online                        Ip, Pamela
                    Orientation      10/Jan - 10/Jan       F   1600  1850  Richmond Main       2160      Ip, Pamela
                    Final exam       25/Apr - 25/Apr       F   1500  1800  Richmond Main       2160      Ip, Pamela
The orientation and final exam will be at the Richmond campus.
2013-12-20: Instructor changed
11244     A79       Online           06/Jan - 12/Apr            -     -    Online                        Tritchew, Panteli
                    Orientation      11/Jan - 11/Jan        S  1000  1250  Surrey, Cedar       2065      Tritchew, Panteli
                    Final exam       19/Apr - 19/Apr        S  0800  1100  Surrey, Cedar       2065      Tritchew, Panteli
The orientation and final exam will be at the Surrey campus.




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
10431     R10       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr   M       1000  1250  Richmond Main       2170      Tritchew, Panteli
2013-11-14: Final exam cancelled
10436     R11       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr     W     1000  1250  Richmond Main       2530      Wilson, Chris
2014-01-21: Final exam cancelled
10632     R12       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr   M W     1600  1720  Richmond Main       3625      Maultsaid, Deirdr
                    Final exam       14/Apr - 14/Apr   M       1500  1800  Richmond Main       2825      Maultsaid, Deirdr
2013-12-20: Instructor changed; 2013-12-23: Instructor changed; 2013-12-27: Final exam room changed
10437     R13       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr      R    1600  1850  Richmond Main       2225      Maultsaid, Deirdr
2013-11-15: Final exam cancelled; 2013-12-20: Instructor changed; 2013-12-23: Instructor changed
10447     R14       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr    T R    0830  0950  Richmond Main       3625      D'Angelo, Marsha
2013-11-15: Instructor changed; 2014-01-24: Final exam cancelled
10438     R50       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr    T      1900  2150  Richmond Main       3625      Maultsaid, Deirdr
                    Final exam       15/Apr - 15/Apr    T      1900  2200  Richmond Main       2160      Maultsaid, Deirdr
2013-12-20: Instructor changed; 2013-12-23: Instructor changed; 2013-12-27: Final exam room changed




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
10439     S10       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr   M W     0830  0950  Surrey, Cedar       3045      Frymire, Ange
2013-11-15: Final exam cancelled; 2013-12-17: Class room changed
11148     S11       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr    T R    0830  0950  Surrey, Cedar       3045      Frymire, Ange
2013-11-15: Final exam cancelled; 2013-12-17: Class room changed
10440     S12       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr     W     1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         122       Ingre, David
                    Final exam       23/Apr - 23/Apr     W     1130  1430  Surrey, Fir         122       Ingre, David
10443     S13       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr   M       1300  1550  Surrey, Fir         122       Ingre, David
                    Final exam       14/Apr - 14/Apr   M       1130  1430  Surrey, Fir         122       Ingre, David
10441     S50       Class            06/Jan - 12/Apr    T      1900  2150  Surrey, Fir         122       Ingre, David
                    Final exam       15/Apr - 15/Apr    T      1900  2200  Surrey, Fir         122       Ingre, David


CMNS 1216 Writing-Specialized Wrkplce 1 (Cr: 1.5)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
11701     A78       Online           26/Apr - 31/May            -     -    Online                        Maultsaid, Deirdr
                    Orientation      26/Apr - 26/Apr        S  1200  1350  Richmond Main       2160      Maultsaid, Deirdr
                    Class            20/May - 24/May        S  1200  1350  Richmond Main       2160      Maultsaid, Deirdr
Section A78 is restricted for students registering in the Special Education Teacher Assistant program (section R50). The orientation will be held on the Richmond campus.
2014-04-08: Instructor changed; 2014-04-14: Computer lab time added for May 24th


CMNS 1217 Writing Specialized Wrkplce 2 (Cr: 1.5)

Prerequisites: CMNS 1216



CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
11699     A74       Online           07/Feb - 28/Mar            -     -    Online                        Richmond, Alexand
                    Orientation      07/Feb - 07/Feb       F   0800  0950  Langley, West       2090      Richmond, Alexand
                    Class            28/Feb - 28/Feb       F   0800  0950  Langley, West       2040      Richmond, Alexand
Section A74 is restricted for students registering in the Special Education Teacher Assistant program (section L10). The orientation will b e held on the Langley campus.
2014-01-13: Inclass date added
11700     A75       Online           07/Feb - 28/Mar            -     -    Online                        Richmond, Alexand
                    Orientation      07/Feb - 07/Feb       F   1000  1150  Langley, West       2125      Richmond, Alexand
                    Class            28/Feb - 28/Feb       F   1000  1150  Langley, West       2005      Richmond, Alexand
Section A75 is restricted for students registering in the Special Education Teacher Assistant program (section L15). The orientation will be held on the Langley campus.
2014-01-13: Inclass date added
12716     A76       Online           11/Jan - 22/Feb            -     -    Online                        Richmond, Alexand
                    Orientation      11/Jan - 11/Jan        S  1300  1450  Richmond Main       2160      Richmond, Alexand
                    Class            25/Jan - 25/Jan        S  0900  1250  Langley, South      1830      Richmond, Alexand
Section A76 is restricted for students registering in the Special Education Teacher Assistant program (section R51). The orientation will be held on the Richmond campus.
2013-11-08: Section added; 2014-01-07: End date changed; 2014-01-13: Inclass date added