Summer 2014 Timetable - Applied Science (APSC)

Students are expected to meet all course prerequisites and co-requisites as listed below. Waivers may be requested if you can clearly demonstrate that you have the equivalent skills and knowledge. Students are responsible for completing the "Permission to Register" form and presenting it to the appropriate person, listed below, for signature.

Prerequisites or Co-requisite waivers for Physics, Astronomy, Engineering or Applied Science courses can be obtained by contacting the instructor for the course.

If the instructor is not available, or is noted as TBA, please contact the Department Chair or designate at


APSC 1151 Intro. to Engineer.Graphics (Cr: 3)

Prerequisites: MATH 1112 or Principles of Mathematics 12 (with a C) or Pre-calculus 12 (with a C)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20608     R10       Class            05/May - 20/Jun    T R    1400  1550  Richmond Main       2170      Poon, Michael
                    Lab              05/May - 20/Jun    T R    1600  1850  Richmond Main       2160      Poon, Michael
                    Final exam       24/Jun - 24/Jun    T      1300  1550  Richmond Main       2170      Poon, Michael