Summer 2014 Timetable - Biology (BIOL)

Inquiries regarding prerequisite waivers for all Biology courses may be directed to the Chairs of the Biology Department ( or Please note that the Biology Department does not normally grant waivers to students who do not have the required course prerequisite standards.

BIOL 1110 Intro. to Biology I (Cr: 4)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20511     S10       Class            05/May - 09/Aug   M W     1200  1350  Surrey, Fir         132       Marcotte, Megan
                    Final exam       14/Aug - 14/Aug      R    1130  1430  Surrey, Cedar       1205      Marcotte, Megan
Section Link ID: 2A. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 2B.
20512     S11       Class            05/May - 09/Aug    T R    1400  1550  Surrey, Fir         132       Marcotte, Megan
                    Final exam       14/Aug - 14/Aug      R    1130  1430  Surrey, Cedar       1205      Marcotte, Megan
Section Link ID: 2A. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 2B.
20613     S12       Class            05/May - 09/Aug   M W     1600  1750  Surrey, Fir         132       Duffy, Simon
                    Final exam       14/Aug - 14/Aug      R    1130  1430  Surrey, Cedar       1205      Duffy, Simon
Section Link ID: 2A. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 2B.
20513     S01       Lab              05/May - 09/Aug   M       1400  1650  Surrey, Spruce      202       Fessenden, Bradle
Section Link ID: 2B. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 2A. Labs begin the second week of classes.
20514     S02       Lab              05/May - 09/Aug   M       1800  2050  Surrey, Spruce      202       Lu, Jessica
Section Link ID: 2B. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 2A. Labs begin the second week of classes.
20614     S03       Lab              05/May - 09/Aug    T      1000  1250  Surrey, Spruce      202       Lu, Jessica
Section Link ID: 2B. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 2A. Labs begin the second week of classes.


BIOL 1160 Anatomy and Physiology I (Cr: 4)

Prerequisites: BIOL 1110 or ([CHEM 1094 or CHEQ 1094 or Chemistry 11 with a grade of C+)] and (ABEB 0012 or BIOP 1012 or BIOQ 1099 or Biology 12 with a grade of C+])




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20148     L10       Class            05/May - 09/Aug   M       1700  1750  Langley, South      1804      Torrance, Douglas
                    Class            05/May - 09/Aug    T      1600  1750  Langley, East       2580      Torrance, Douglas
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug     W     0800  1100  Langley, South      1804      Torrance, Douglas
Biology Lab Periods: Each student taking BIOL 1160 and BIOL 1260 is expected to spend an average of 3 hours in the biology lab (room 1365) each week in addition to the seminar, including the first week of classes. Lab time must fall within the lab hours posted on the lab door.
20149     L11       Class            05/May - 09/Aug   M       1700  1750  Langley, South      1804      Torrance, Douglas
                    Class            05/May - 09/Aug     W     1600  1750  Langley, East       2580      Torrance, Douglas
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug     W     0800  1100  Langley, South      1804      Torrance, Douglas
Biology Lab Periods: Each student taking BIOL 1160 and BIOL 1260 is expected to spend an average of 3 hours in the biology lab (room 1365) each week in addition to the seminar, including the first week of classes. Lab time must fall within the lab hours posted on the lab door.


BIOL 1210 Intro. to Biology II (Cr: 4)

Prerequisites: BIOL 1110




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20515     S10       Class            05/May - 09/Aug    T R    0800  0950  Surrey, Fir         132       Marcotte, Megan
                    Final exam       12/Aug - 12/Aug    T      0800  1100  Surrey, Fir         132       Marcotte, Megan
Section Link ID: 2E. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 2F.
20516     S01       Lab              05/May - 09/Aug     W     1000  1250  Surrey, Spruce      202       Lu, Jessica
Section Link ID: 2F. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 2E. Labs begin the second week of classes.
20517     S02       Lab              05/May - 09/Aug      R    1000  1250  Surrey, Spruce      202       Lu, Jessica
Section Link ID: 2F. Students must also register in a section with Link ID: 2E. Labs begin the second week of classes.


BIOL 1260 Anatomy and Physiology II (Cr: 4)

Prerequisites:BIOL 1160




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20150     L10       Class            05/May - 09/Aug   M       1600  1650  Langley, West       2045      Torrance, Douglas
                    Class            05/May - 09/Aug    T      1000  1150  Langley, West       2010      Torrance, Douglas
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug     W     0800  1100  Langley, South      1805      Torrance, Douglas
Biology Lab Periods: Each student taking BIOL 1160 and BIOL 1260 is expected to spend an average of 3 hours in the biology lab (room 1365) each week in addition to the seminar, including the first week of classes. Lab time must fall within the lab hours posted on the lab door.
20151     L11       Class            05/May - 09/Aug   M       1600  1650  Langley, West       2045      Torrance, Douglas
                    Class            05/May - 09/Aug     W     1000  1150  Langley, West       2010      Torrance, Douglas
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug     W     0800  1100  Langley, South      1805      Torrance, Douglas
Biology Lab Periods: Each student taking BIOL 1160 and BIOL 1260 is expected to spend an average of 3 hours in the biology lab (room 1365) each week in addition to the seminar, including the first week of classes. Lab time must fall within the lab hours posted on the lab door.