Summer 2014 Timetable - Horticulture (HORT)

HORT 1102 Botany for Horticulture (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20492     L14       Class            05/May - 11/Jun     W     1300  1450  Langley, East       1650      Barnett, Carol
                    Lab              05/May - 11/Jun     W     1500  1650  Langley, East       1660      Barnett, Carol
                    Lab              05/May - 11/Jun     W     1730  1920  Langley, East       1660      Barnett, Carol
                    Final exam       18/Jun - 18/Jun     W     1500  1759  Langley, East       1650      Barnett, Carol
                    Final exam       18/Jun - 18/Jun     W     1800  1900  Langley, East       1660      Barnett, Carol
This is a Summer Session 1 course: May 5 to Jun 20.


HORT 1155 Intro. to Plant Identification (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20495     L14       Class            05/May - 09/Aug    T      1600  1850  Langley, East       1650      Spring, Liz
                    Final exam       12/Aug - 12/Aug    T      1600  1900  Langley, East       1650      Spring, Liz


HORT 1171 Production Practices - Fall (Cr: 2)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20626     L14        -                         -     -    Cancelled
This is a Summer Session 1 course: May 5 to Jun 20.
2014-04-29: Section cancelled


HORT 1217 Foundations of Plant Health (Cr: 3)




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20494     L14       Class            30/Jun - 09/Aug     W     1000  1250  Langley, East       1650      Schlamp, Kristine
                    Lab              30/Jun - 09/Aug     W     1330  1550  Langley, East       1660      Schlamp, Kristine
                    Lab              30/Jun - 09/Aug     W     1630  1850  Langley, East       1660      Schlamp, Kristine
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug     W     1500  1759  Langley, East       1650      Schlamp, Kristine
                    Final exam       13/Aug - 13/Aug     W     1800  1900  Langley, East       1660      Schlamp, Kristine
This is a Summer Session 2 course: Jun 30 to Aug 15.


HORT 2300 Horticulture Work Experience (Cr: 0)

Prerequisites: HORT 1122 or 1134 or 1171 or 1271




CRN       SECTION   TYPE             DATES            DAYS     START END   BUILDING            ROOM      INSTRUCTOR
20498     L10       Class            05/May - 09/Aug            -     -    Off Campus                    Marchuk, Ron
Production: This course runs from May to August 2014 for the work experience portion. A one hour per week presentation session will be sched uled from September 02 to December 08, 2014. Students will be assessed during the Fall 2014 semester. Students who are planning to register only in HORT 2300 f or Summer 2014 must do so at the Langley Front Counter, Office of the Registrar.
20499     L15       Class            05/May - 09/Aug            -     -    Off Campus                    Burns, Patrick
Landscape: This course runs from May to August 2014 for the work experience portion. A one hour per week presentation session will be schedu led from September 02 to December 08, 2014. Students will be assessed during the Fall 2014 semester. Students who are planning to register only in HORT 2300 fo r Summer 2014 must do so at the Langley Front Counter, Office of the Registrar.
2014-04-02: Instructor changed
20500     L20       Class            05/May - 09/Aug            -     -    Off Campus                    Kazymerchyk, Stan
Turf: This course runs from May to August 2014 for the work experience portion. A one hour per week presentation session will be scheduled f rom September 02 to December 08, 2014. Students will be assessed during the Fall 2014 semester. Students who are planning to register only in HORT 2300 for Sum mer 2014 must do so at the Langley Front Counter, Office of the Registrar.
2014-04-02: Instructor changed