SRIG Podcasts

Chart that names the 17 UN Sustainable Development goals, with associated visual icons.

The Student Research & Innovation Grant (SRIG) program was launched in late 2021. It supports students so they can gain research and innovation experiences at KPU.

Several student grant recipients have shared their research objectives, progress, and outcomes in the form of a short podcast. Check them out below!

SRIG 24-05 featuring Dr. Diane Purvey, Provost & Vice President, Academic

Title: In what ways can we visually design the story to effectively convey the message on climate change in the Sustainability Animation project?

Dept: Entertainment Arts

Principal Investigator(s): Kioko Pang, Ravenna San Hom, and Diego De la Rocha

UN Goals: 13, 14

What was the issue being addressed?

How can we design the visual elements of our story to effectively convey the message about climate change? Many current visual representations fail to inspire meaningful, sustainable community action or evoke a lasting emotional impact on audiences.

Provide a brief, lay description of the work undertaken/initiative.

Our project aimed to develop a story that resonates with locals and inspires a community movement against climate change by making the issue more personal and relatable. We achieved this through multiple iterations of the story, incorporating extensive feedback. This included creating storyboards, thumbnails, and several versions of animatics. We refined various elements such as visual symbols, camera angles, movement, scene transitions, and the strategic use of shapes and colors to enhance the story's impact.

What is the expected impact this project will have on the community?

We aim to create visuals that inspire meaningful, sustainable community action and evoke a lasting emotional impact towards climate change.

SRIG Podcast

Hear more student experiences on our SRIG Testimonials page.