Results of EPT Test


What do the Results of the English Placement Test mean?

When you write the English Placement Test, you will be placed into one of five levels. To find out where you have been placed, look for the marker’s initials next to the corresponding placement.

Further Testing Required – ACP

You have been recommended for further testing, this means that we cannot place you into an appropriate level based on the English Placement Test. You can sign up for ACP testing (for native English speakers) at the Student Enrolment Services Front Counter. There is no charge for further testing. It is best to sign up as soon as possible.

Further Testing Required – ELST

You have been recommended for further testing, this means that we cannot place you into an appropriate level based on the English Placement Test. You can sign up for ELST testing (for non-native English speakers) at the Student Enrolment Services Front Counter. There is no charge for further testing, provided you sign up before the end of the next semester. It is best to sign up as soon as possible.

Placement into ENGQ 1089
Placement into ENGQ 1089, does not meet the Undergraduate-level English Proficiency Requirement, so you cannot register for university-level courses (any course numbered 1100 or higher), unless you have met the requirement another way. Once you have completed ENGQ 1089 with a C, you will have met the Undergraduate-level English Proficiency Requirement and can register in university-level courses.

Placement into ENGQ 1099

Placement into ENGQ 1099 meets the Undergraduate-level English Proficiency Requirement for Kwantlen. You are eligible to register for university-level courses (courses numbered 1100 or higher).

Please ensure you have applied for an undergraduate studies program. Program Status Change forms are available in the Student Enrolment Services office, and there is no cost associated with changing your program. If you are not sure what your current program is, you can check online at

Placement into ENGL 1100

This meets the Kwantlen Undergraduate-level English Proficiency Requirement. You can register for university-level courses (any course numbered 1100 or higher), including ENGL 1100, CRWR 1100, and CMNS 1140.

Please ensure you have applied for an undergraduate studies program. Program Status Change forms are available in the Student Enrolment Services office, and there is no cost associated with changing your program. If you are not sure what your current program is, you can check online at

To discuss your test results and your education planning, please book an appointment with the ACA Educational Advisor by calling (604) 599-2000 or stop by the Student Enrolment Services counter. If you have been placed into ENGL 1100 you may ask to book with Central Advising.