Royal Society of Canada Romanowski Lecture Series

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A global catastrophe...a failure of science and policy...narrowly averted by serendipity

On October 22, join us for a fascinating lecture by world leading ecotoxicologist Dr. John P. Giesy as part of the Royal Society of Canada’s Romanowski Lecture Series:

Toxicological Evaluation of Perfluorooctane in the Environment: Anatomy of an Environmental Issue

Hear the scientific and political story of how a very valuable chemical, Perfluoroctane (PFO), was ultimately banned and the public hardly knew anything had happened.

Professor Giesy has affected your life and that of every living thing on the planet. Find out how he applied state of the art chemical methods of mass spectrometry and molecular biology to determine the status and trends of concentrations in the environment and worked out the mechanisms of toxicity and thresholds for effects.

You will hear the reasons for how what could have been a global catastrophe occurred through a failure to understand the chemistry and toxicology of a whole class of chemicals. It was indicative of a failure of science and policies and ultimately discovered, and narrowly avoided, by serendipity.


Event Details:

Royal Society of Canada Romanowski Lecture Series

Wednesday, October 22, 7:30pm

Langley Campus Auditorium

20901 Langley Bypass

Kwantlen Polytechnic University

For more information contact Triona King 604.599.2048 or The event is free and open to the public, but registration is recommended.