
Brenda Hookham

B.Sc. (UVIC), M.Sc. (UVIC), PDP (UVIC)
Surrey Office: Spruce 218E
Surrey Campus: 604-599-2213

Courses taught

  • BIOL 1110, 2322, 3110, 4235, 4245

Areas of Interest

I started my studies at KPU and transferred to the University of Victoria. I spent several years on the island, where I completed my BSc, MSc, and the PDP program (to teach high school science). After finishing the teaching program, I was hired for a temporary position here at KPU, but alas I never left. My areas of interest within the field of biology include: marine biology, ecology, invertebrate zoology, and evolutionary and developmental biology. I studied the evolution of the development of a complex foregut in the marine snail, Nucella, during my MSc. I'm also passionate about science education and try to incite a love for biology in my students.