
Kaylee Magee

BSc (SFU), PhD (SFU)
Kaylee Magee
Surrey Office: Fir 344
Richmond Office: 2900

After completing her B.Sc in Biology at Simon Fraser University, Kaylee transitioned to the Molecular Biology and Biochemistry department for her PhD. Her research focused on the conformational changes that occur in the potassium “pacemaker” channel upon voltage and ligand gating, using electrophysiology methods such as two electrode voltage clamp and voltage clamp fluorometry. She quickly found teaching as a passion, and spent several years as a Graduate Facilitator in the SFU Student Learning Commons. As a Facilitator she assisted both undergraduates and graduates with their writing skills by reviewing papers and theses, and developed personalized learning plans for students on academic probation. She has also served as a Visiting Life Sciences Instructor at Quest University in Squamish, BC.

Courses taught

  • BIOL 1210, BIOL 2321, BIOL 2421, BIOL 3421

Areas of Interest

I have 3 decades of experience teaching Biology labs at the post secondary level. I enjoy passing on my love of Biology through engaging with the students in the laboratory, supporting their learning journey, and encouraging them to excel at their chosen field of study. In terms of my Biology background, I consider myself to be a generalist in the field of Biology. My area of specialty as an undergraduate was Botany, specifically conifer biology but I have a well rounded education in other areas of Biology as well. In recent years my professional interests have become more directed towards pedagogy (the science of teaching) aiming to improve the courses I teach in order to better support student learning. I feel strongly that it is important for students to have experiential learning experiences in order to better understand the scientific method, develop good benchtop skills, learn how to present information/data professionally, and improve their critical thinking. These are all employable skills that will give them a solid foundation as they move into the workforce in their chosen field.