
Neilab Amiri

B.Sc.(SFU), M.Sc. (SFU)
Surrey Office: Spruce 218B
Surrey Campus: 604-599-5462

Courses taught

  • BIOL 1110, 1210, 3130, 4140, 1160

Areas of Interest

I was born in Afghanistan and immigrated to Canada when I was 12 years old. I completed my Masters Degree at Simon Fraser University and have been teaching Biology courses at KPU since 2016. My favourite courses to teach are Microbiology and Anatomy & Physiology. In the classroom, I focus on encouraging my students to learn critical thinking, exercise their practical skills, and gain confidence in preparation for their academic and employment endeavours. When I'm not teaching, I go on adevntures with my husband Alfredo and dog Theo.