Retired Faculty and Staff


 Steve Hansen


Stephen Hansen

Stephen joined Kwantlen in 1992.  He taught many students in our preparatory courses and at the first-year level too.  He worked on both the Richmond and Surrey campuses initially, but eventually found a permanent home on the Surrey campus.  Steve was active on many departmental committees, and was our department Chair for a year starting in 2005.  He retired in the summer of 2010.

Stephen now spends his sunny days fishing or generally relaxing and enjoying life.



Claude Lassigne

Claude joined Kwantlen in 1977 (before it was Kwantlen).  He was instrumental in developing the first year curriculum, and the second year physical/inorganic courses would not exist at all without his efforts.  Claude was active on many departmental and Kwantlen-wide committees, and served as department Chair more than once.  Claude taught with us until he took early retirement at the end of December 2007.

Claude now spends his sunny days riding his bicycle, fishing, playing golf and generally enjoying life with his wife Wendy.


Bob Perkins

Bob joined Kwantlen in 1983 at the Richmond campus, and played an important role in both the development of the new Richmond campus (opened in September 1992) and of the Environmental Protection Technology program.  Bob also took an active role inside of Kwantlen, both in the Kwantlen Faculty Association and on the Board of Governors, as well as many other internal committees.  Bob retired early too; his last teaching semester was the spring of 2008.

These days Bob's life is rather more relaxed.  He spends time with his wife Clarice and their kids (and now grandkids) on Vancouver Island, where he has built a new lakeside house.

Anna Holubowicz

Anna joined the Kwantlen chemists at the Richmond Campus in the fall of 1994 as our lab technician.  Anna was the glue that held it all together for us during her time here; she was the one who made sure the labs were prepared and equipment and chemicals put out on time, and put away afterwards.  She also did all of our ordering, and made sure all our equipment was running and/or that repairs were requested when it wasn't.  She also helped to make Kwantlen Richmond a fun place to work, and she will be missed as much for that as for the excellent work she did while she was here.

Anna retired in the fall of 2009, and has taken to retired life very well; she now spends most of her days planning upgrades to her apartment and visiting her growing family of grandchildren.