Cultivate what is possible

KPU Brewing Signature Series

Brew Sig 2024 - ESB Chill

ESB Chill

Thomas Nickel and Rylan Dewick

This amber-brown Extra Special Bitter (ESB) ale is a true nod to the art of brewing. Its malt backbone has a bread-like character and Fuggles and Sterling hops add spicy and tree fruit notes, creating lively aroma and flavour.

  • ESB
  • Malty
  • 5.2% ABV
  • Medium IBUs

Ingredients: Water, Malt, Hops, Yeast
Contains: Barley

Release Date: Feb. 2, 2024

About the Students

For second-year Brewing diploma students Thomas Nickel and Rylan Dewick, the inspiration for creating their Signature Series capstone beer, ESB Chill, came from their passion to display the complexities that can be achieved with just four ingredients: malt, hop, yeast and water; attention to detail and ultimately the science behind a good beer.

Thomas came to the KPU Brewing program with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Manitoba, and an extensive background working in the renovation business. Brewing combines Thomas’ background in science and strong work ethic, with his curiosity for the technical aspects and creative, artistic aspect of brewing. 


When he’s not in classes or working in the KPU Brew Lab as a brewery assistant, you can find Thomas in the outdoors fishing, camping, canoeing, making his own maple syrup or pretty much anything that gets him out in the wilderness.


After graduation, Thomas’ goal is to develop and grow a brand that could eventually lead to a brick-and-mortar brewery but, in the meantime, he’s super excited to work in the industry and soak in all it has to offer.

After years of working in the trades as an apprentice joiner and electrician, and completing two years of a bachelor of science degree in Ecology and Environmental Biology, Rylan fell in love with homebrewing and decided he wanted to pursue it as a career. 


In 2023, he and brewing partner Thomas Nickel won gold in the Canada Beer Cup, so his passion for brewing, education and hard work are paying off. 


When he’s not studying or working the KPU Brew Lab as a brewery assistant, you can find Rylan continuing to learn more about beer and brewing, expanding his knowledge anyway he can. He loves experimenting and his goal is to try to make every kind of beer. 


Once he graduates, Rylan wants to find a position in a local brewery and work his way up, building on his education at KPU and continuing to learn and grow as a brewer. 




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